Here you can find the statistics of previous rounds.
Place | Player Name | Total Points | Points |
1. | AdvocatusDiaboli | 658,454 | 156,653 |
2. | zyx | 416,670 | 232,836 |
3. | Lion | 353,002 | 283,238 |
4. | neacpesi | 195,215 | 0 |
5. | Paxius | 191,707 | 191,030 |
6. | thabin | 180,244 | 88,642 |
7. | Baras | 173,260 | 40,867 |
8. | Bielka | 149,761 | 11,522 |
9. | Chaos | 140,861 | 57,771 |
10. | Micro | 135,867 | 24 |
11. | DarkViper | 115,097 | 51,833 |
12. | mikoronus2 | 100,596 | 67,884 |
13. | Wannix | 96,592 | 34,773 |
14. | Minde21 | 95,552 | 23,909 |
15. | Bich | 91,900 | 83,796 |
16. | virgelis | 91,864 | 46,542 |
17. | Krepsas | 91,092 | 0 |
18. | YuGi | 63,310 | 28,570 |
19. | toXic brAin | 55,248 | 22,374 |
20. | TooLazy | 50,400 | 3,876 |
21. | Varlokas | 50,013 | 0 |
22. | Siitas | 47,286 | 8,651 |
23. | delfis | 44,517 | 0 |
24. | MBIK | 42,924 | 40,495 |
25. | Evil Dr Abe | 42,843 | 26,303 |
26. | geimeris | 41,201 | 3,980 |
27. | Fire Demon | 40,810 | 25,206 |
28. | Highlander | 37,507 | 37,448 |
29. | TiTo | 35,881 | 35,881 |
30. | Slick Sexpistol | 32,227 | 31,576 |
31. | Xenoblaster | 29,831 | 16,834 |
32. | REvol | 28,924 | 0 |
33. | Stiks | 25,343 | 16,712 |
34. | Renis | 23,339 | 0 |
35. | Elvenlord | 20,537 | 20,537 |
36. | buzzzz | 19,647 | 19,647 |
37. | Strahd | 19,128 | 13,291 |
38. | Apsirookezzz | 17,906 | 0 |
39. | scorpionconflict | 17,117 | 25 |
40. | Parama | 15,274 | 0 |
41. | eMpTy | 13,616 | 0 |
42. | pyrofromhell2 | 13,328 | 13,328 |
43. | voveriukas | 13,258 | 7,454 |
44. | aosama | 12,658 | 0 |
45. | LamazOidas | 11,914 | 0 |
46. | goldzy | 11,724 | 11,565 |
47. | Soltraro | 11,714 | 297 |
48. | PArADOXx | 11,427 | 11,417 |
49. | Monkey | 10,489 | 0 |
50. | Lord Xeen | 10,469 | 10 |
Place | Player Name | Points | Total Points |
1. | Lion | 283,238 | 353,002 |
2. | zyx | 232,836 | 416,670 |
3. | Paxius | 191,030 | 191,707 |
4. | AdvocatusDiaboli | 156,653 | 658,454 |
5. | thabin | 88,642 | 180,244 |
6. | Bich | 83,796 | 91,900 |
7. | mikoronus2 | 67,884 | 100,596 |
8. | Chaos | 57,771 | 140,861 |
9. | DarkViper | 51,833 | 115,097 |
10. | virgelis | 46,542 | 91,864 |
11. | Baras | 40,867 | 173,260 |
12. | MBIK | 40,495 | 42,924 |
13. | Highlander | 37,448 | 37,507 |
14. | TiTo | 35,881 | 35,881 |
15. | Wannix | 34,773 | 96,592 |
16. | Slick Sexpistol | 31,576 | 32,227 |
17. | YuGi | 28,570 | 63,310 |
18. | Evil Dr Abe | 26,303 | 42,843 |
19. | Fire Demon | 25,206 | 40,810 |
20. | Minde21 | 23,909 | 95,552 |
21. | toXic brAin | 22,374 | 55,248 |
22. | Elvenlord | 20,537 | 20,537 |
23. | buzzzz | 19,647 | 19,647 |
24. | Xenoblaster | 16,834 | 29,831 |
25. | Stiks | 16,712 | 25,343 |
26. | pyrofromhell2 | 13,328 | 13,328 |
27. | Strahd | 13,291 | 19,128 |
28. | goldzy | 11,565 | 11,724 |
29. | Bielka | 11,522 | 149,761 |
30. | PArADOXx | 11,417 | 11,427 |
31. | Pikciurna | 9,338 | 9,348 |
32. | potvinisLT | 9,036 | 9,036 |
33. | kaine76 | 8,721 | 9,026 |
34. | Siitas | 8,651 | 47,286 |
35. | voveriukas | 7,454 | 13,258 |
36. | Paytime | 6,539 | 6,716 |
37. | mauzas | 6,162 | 6,162 |
38. | ighylay | 4,525 | 4,525 |
39. | SP Confederalion | 4,473 | 4,473 |
40. | Dinda | 4,085 | 4,085 |
41. | geimeris | 3,980 | 41,201 |
42. | TooLazy | 3,876 | 50,400 |
43. | Match | 3,720 | 4,916 |
44. | Dark Angel2004 | 3,718 | 8,706 |
45. | TheOne | 3,664 | 3,684 |
46. | Xen Chi | 3,528 | 3,528 |
47. | Deksar | 3,214 | 3,880 |
48. | eXpert | 2,821 | 2,821 |
49. | Metalliticum | 2,712 | 7,138 |
50. | efix | 2,610 | 4,984 |
The end of current round:
1st Mar 2025 00:00:00
SkyLords server time:
22nd Feb 2025 07:04:55
Total players: 45,831