Topic Title: Everything you need to know about SL (Sticky Topic)

Topic starter: Professor

Topic started: 07:41:03 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 13 Last post: 21:29:40 2nd Apr 2015 by Gold Rush

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Professor Posted: 07:41:03 5th Dec 2005

Posts: 5830

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Location: China

Gender: Male


Since people say I write too much, I will keep this brief:

1. Rules - Don't swear and don't have more than one account per computer, per player, or per internet connection.

2. Warp. You have 33% chance of finding a planet via the warp. Warp is within +/- 15 spaces on first two dimensions (x,y,0) from center of galaxy. Only fighters can go through the warp. (WD)

3. Battle zone. The center of the galaxy. Don't go there. It is dangerous. If you insist on going there, get out fast, probably via the warp. If you want to lose your ship, hang arround and try to kill someone else's ship. You will die.

4. Probes. They probe for planets only, with 160 spaces basic range and 400 spaces in all directions with full upgrades. Upgrades are important for probing as range increases as the CUBE of distance, so 400 spaces cubed is 15.6 times more space volume probed than 160 spaces cubed.

5. Market. You can sell resources on the market to get credits to be able to upgrade your probing technology or increase your planet limit from 25 planets (normal) to maximum 50 planets, at a cost of 50 credits per extra planet capacity.

6. Nearby. Allows you to find planets within +/- 1000 spaces of planet from which you are using nearby (a button on the left of planets screen). If you have a nearby, that player can see you as well, so take it or risk losing your planet.

7. Double nearby upgrade. Probably not worth it. Mostly finds two planets in same system, but can sometimes be useful in seeing past solo HW planets that you would not be able to take or see past.

8. Buildings (As Per Cajin). Good for increasing shield points, protecting Home Worlds, and making additional resources on planet. Buildings are destroyed if the planet is captured or left to SP, but buildings that are completed will remain if the planet is transferred to another player (buildings in queue will be cancelled if transferred) if you destroy a building you do not receive the expended resources back, if you cancel a building before it is completed you will receive the resources back.
8a. Shield Generator: This building increases your shield by 2 points per level, but it uses up 2 energy points per level, can be offset by energy producing buildings that use up Uranium and Hydrogen.Requires 15 million defense per level for initial construction.
8b. Resource Generation: Return on Investment time varies by resource, to build the same quantity of resources expended it is approximately 3 days for Vital and Iron buildings and 6 days for Gold, Silicon, and Uranium producing buildings. This time doubles for each level built. Requires 15 million defense per level for initial construction.
8c. Warp Buildings: Disruptor will keep the warp in the battlezone from going to your planet, must have this building on each planet in a system to have it avoid the system. Stable Warp generator: will create a warp from the planet you build it on to another planet in your list, the planet does not need to remain in your list once the building is queued. Clan members can also use the warp, cost is 500 uranium to go through, can take fighters and assaults through it. Both require 15 million defense for initial construction.
8d. Turrets: Active turrets must be destroyed by an attacker before assaults can attack a planet. Turrets will do an average of 5,000 damage to an attacking ship per turret that fires. The number of active turrets will equal the number of millions of defense on the planet (15 million defense = 15 active turrets, though there may be more turrets than that on the planet) Turrets will use Uranium to fire, as long as there is at least 1,250 Uranium on a planet a turret can fire, a full turret shot will cost 5,000 Uranium. A fighter attacking a turret has a percentage equal to the attack power of the ship divided by 40,000 chance of killing the turret, the fighter will either kill it or not, they do not reduce the defense level of a turret. If a planet has no Uranium or an attacking fighter survives all of the active turrets then the fighter will shoot at all of the remaining inactive turrets.

9. Attack/defense. Attack formula = Troops x (1+experience/100). Defense formula = (Troops + Energy) x (1 + (shields / 10). Defense lost from attack = Attacker strength. Ship to ship attack = defending defense loss.

10. Resource limits. 16.7 Million for all resources gathering and holding limits, but interest paid of .5% per day can result in more than 16.7M on planet, but not more than 16,777,215. Gathering points increase one point per month for all planets up to 20 points maximum. (WD)

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Professor Posted: 08:32:55 8th Dec 2005

Posts: 5830

Topics: 405

Location: China

Gender: Male


Turrets - they are weak. You need at least 15 of them to do much good against a fighter attack, and even then, fighters that are untrained will take out about 1 turret for every three fighters you kill. Trained fighters are much more deadly, but also cost a lot more to build.

Turrets and fighters get points but not experience for killing each other.

INTEREST (As per Cajin) - To reward you for the risk of holding non-defensive resources on a planet you receive interest at the rate of 0.5% on amounts from 20,000-1,000,000. The maximum being 5,000 of that resource from interest per day. Amounts less than 20,000 provide some interest, but it is less and there is no additional interest for resources over 1,000,000.

POINTS - You receive points for killing ships and for capturing planets with more than 10,000 defense (minimal for SP confed planets, with most points in the game coming from capturing players' planets with signficant defenses).

EXPERIENCE - Ships earn experience for successful attacks. Ships can be "trained" with low risk planned attacks used to gain experience for later attacks where high experience ships are needed or useful.

LEAVING PLANETS - When you LEAVE a planet, all buildings are destroyed (which also happens when a planet is captured), and defense resources on planet now owned by SP Confederation (non-player, independent planets) goes to 50k with shields raised fully, so 100k defense for 10 production point planet.

(As per Cajin)
5-500 for 5th-10th
6-100 for 11-20th

Top clan by points (with three or more members) receives 5000 credits (WD)

Clan awards may be distributed among clan members in any way the clan leader requests.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Filas Posted: 15:58:08 5th Oct 2006

Posts: 2042

Topics: 148

Location: Lithuania


Why do I get Logged out and have to Log In again?

There are two primary reasons:

1. At midnight server time (which is USA Arizona time), everyone is automatically logged out for a minute or so while cron jobs at midnight are running.

2. When Systems Administrator or Professor work on the system, sometimes the game cache needs to be flushed and all players are logged out. If this happens a few times within 15 minutes, it means that we are intensively working on something (which hopefully will make the game better or fix some bug), and to test the code, game cached files have to be flushed and everyone has to log in again.

Country music, whiskey and OK

watupdogg Posted: 20:20:20 27th Jan 2015

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All ships will be trainable up to 300 Percent as of January 2015.

As per System Administrator:

"Voter participation has not been 100% in the Assault Expertise Voting topic, but a substantial proportion of active players have weighed in on the matter, with a 2-1 majority in favor of the change. I would have preferred a more unanimous reaction, but I believe this the change of assault experience maximum to 300 from 200 to be a good and healthy choice for our game at this time.

As such, in connection with the new round, shortly after the start to give adequate notice and barring any unanticipat ed changes in overall voting in the topic, I will be changing the assault experience cap to 300%. I believe that this will lead to increased activity and be a healthy change to the game right now. Arguments to the contrary well be accepted here or at the normal email address."

watupdogg Posted: 20:37:00 27th Jan 2015

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Location: Portugal

Gender: Male

Also I will be making editing this topic to reflect past changes.

I am opening this topic up for discussion of changes that may be needed or added suggestions. If you have a nice thorough post it may be saved when this topic is locked again.

Cajin Von Sian Posted: 10:51:50 29th Jan 2015

Posts: 495

Topics: 79

Location: Angola

Gender: Male

8. Buildings. Good for increasing shield points, protecting Home Worlds, and making additional resources on planet. Buildings are destroyed if the planet is captured or left to SP, but buildings that are completed will remain if the planet is transferred to another player (buildings in queue will be cancelled if transferred) if you destroy a building you do not receive the expended resources back, if you cancel a building before it is completed you will receive the resources back.
8a. Shield Generator: This building increases your shield by 2 points per level, but it uses up 2 energy points per level, can be offset by energy producing buildings that use up Uranium and Hydrogen.Requires 15 million defense per level for initial construction.
8b. Resource Generation: Return on Investment time varies by resource, to build the same quantity of resources expended it is approximately 3 days for Vital and Iron buildings and 6 days for Gold, Silicon, and Uranium producing buildings. This time doubles for each level built. Requires 15 million defense per level for initial construction.
8c. Warp Buildings: Disruptor will keep the warp in the battlezone from going to your planet, must have this building on each planet in a system to have it avoid the system. Stable Warp generator: will create a warp from the planet you build it on to another planet in your list, the planet does not need to remain in your list once the building is queued. Clan members can also use the warp, cost is 500 uranium to go through, can take fighters and assaults through it. Both require 15 million defense for initial construction.
8d. Turrets: Active turrets must be destroyed by an attacker before assaults can attack a planet. Turrets will do an average of 5,000 damage to an attacking ship per turret that fires. The number of active turrets will equal the number of millions of defense on the planet (15 million defense = 15 active turrets, though there may be more turrets than that on the planet) Turrets will use Uranium to fire, as long as there is at least 1,250 Uranium on a planet a turret can fire, a full turret shot will cost 5,000 Uranium. A fighter attacking a turret has a percentage equal to the attack power of the ship divided by 40,000 chance of killing the turret, the fighter will either kill it or not, they do not reduce the defense level of a turret. If a planet has no Uranium or an attacking fighter survives all of the active turrets then the fighter will shoot at all of the remaining inactive turrets.

Not sure if that is too much information on the buildings, but it is updated info on them and turrets

Cajin Von Sian Posted: 11:02:41 29th Jan 2015

Posts: 495

Topics: 79

Location: Angola

Gender: Male

I was thinking round winner credits were:
500 for 5th-10th
100 for 11-20th

Interest: To reward you for the risk of holding non-defensive resources on a planet you receive interest at the rate of 0.5% so you need a minimum of 20,000 of a resource and you are limited to receiving interest only on the first 1 million of a resource, which provides 5,000 of that resource from interest per day.

In the attack formula for planet defense it should be (shields / 10)

Resource limits: need to change the interest rate to 0.5%

Leaving planets: need to change the amount from 150k to 100k for a 10x that is left.

watupdogg Posted: 21:35:50 31st Jan 2015

Posts: 2391

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Location: Portugal

Gender: Male

All suggestions added Thanks Cajin

Arcanix Posted: 03:47:10 1st Feb 2015

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Interest is incorrect, you don't need 20k, it works on any amount. If bellow 10k it might take more cycles for the increase to be visible.

Cajin Von Sian Posted: 09:25:28 2nd Feb 2015

Posts: 495

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Location: Angola

Gender: Male

I am running a test currently on it, at 20k you receive the 5%, below that you do receive some, but it doesn't appear to give you 5% since it has taken 4 cycles to receive 1 unit on my 10k, which is only 2.5%, been watching it for 9 cycles, still nothing on 5k or 2.5k, if it is consistent with the 2.5% then maybe in a couple more hours see one on the 5k, so to make it simple maybe change it to....

Interest: To reward you for the risk of holding non-defensive resources on a planet you receive interest at the rate of 0.5% on amounts from 20,000-1,000,000. The maximum being 5,000 of that resource from interest per day. Amounts less than 20,000 provide some interest, but it is less and there is no additional interest for resources over 1,000,000.

Cajin Von Sian Posted: 23:07:17 7th Feb 2015

Posts: 495

Topics: 79

Location: Angola

Gender: Male

On the Resource producing building need to change it to 6 days and 12 days for payback, instead of the 3 days/6 days, I was only calculating silicon use originally I think.

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