Here you can find the statistics of previous rounds.
Place | Player Name | Total Points | Points |
1. | zyx | 4,933,468 | 883 |
2. | SmartFox | 4,432,132 | 623,232 |
3. | TERROR | 4,183,351 | 20,469 |
4. | Bielka | 3,782,189 | 236,663 |
5. | Chaos | 3,592,636 | 830,943 |
6. | MBIK | 2,946,249 | 5,482 |
7. | BethorScion | 2,608,453 | 1,901,163 |
8. | voveriukas | 2,553,282 | 14,193 |
9. | Paxius | 2,408,145 | 867,236 |
10. | MrKingas | 2,286,481 | 2,059,684 |
11. | Baras | 2,239,643 | 86,025 |
12. | Hope | 2,166,382 | 39,896 |
13. | digiat | 2,035,849 | 34,934 |
14. | Filas | 1,957,300 | 1,482,123 |
15. | GholaBashar | 1,857,992 | 1,060,736 |
16. | Lakamar Sinji | 1,778,924 | 30,216 |
17. | thabin | 1,648,273 | 35,441 |
18. | AGUX | 1,613,650 | 171,754 |
19. | watupdogg | 1,579,760 | 195,273 |
20. | Reebok LT | 1,252,202 | 51,616 |
21. | jsd789777 | 1,141,254 | 921,239 |
22. | Deemers | 1,138,989 | 907,246 |
23. | kiesha | 1,125,857 | 528,943 |
24. | Simba | 1,112,718 | 437,423 |
25. | MadMax1967 | 1,053,361 | 441,111 |
26. | Teldin | 1,009,766 | 778,921 |
27. | Giliukas | 975,253 | 200,777 |
28. | Rukna Baisioji Akis | 966,376 | 699,775 |
29. | Texas Fury | 914,211 | 2 |
30. | nZewa | 887,042 | 0 |
31. | Devona | 884,050 | 436,632 |
32. | Tiradun | 786,736 | 0 |
33. | Hunted Shadow | 742,192 | 34,260 |
34. | GOTIS LT | 726,257 | 14,505 |
35. | Calamity Jane | 691,979 | 132,031 |
36. | TwisterX | 689,586 | 26,226 |
37. | mauzas | 681,673 | 30,181 |
38. | LordAiron | 674,767 | 358,104 |
39. | TarogStar | 652,608 | 14,576 |
40. | kotica | 631,225 | 13,127 |
41. | Lapausinka | 601,999 | 37,136 |
42. | Slammer | 580,169 | 55 |
43. | Laurrriz | 577,670 | 200,091 |
44. | iii2 | 576,610 | 45,729 |
45. | virgelis | 563,462 | 53,502 |
46. | Manijakas | 554,766 | 0 |
47. | Professor | 532,173 | 159,688 |
48. | Lion | 531,478 | 0 |
49. | twynnys | 493,225 | 417,788 |
50. | Dios | 493,173 | 166,051 |
Place | Player Name | Points | Total Points |
1. | MrKingas | 2,059,684 | 2,286,481 |
2. | BethorScion | 1,901,163 | 2,608,453 |
3. | Filas | 1,482,123 | 1,957,300 |
4. | GholaBashar | 1,060,736 | 1,857,992 |
5. | jsd789777 | 921,239 | 1,141,254 |
6. | Deemers | 907,246 | 1,138,989 |
7. | Paxius | 867,236 | 2,408,145 |
8. | Chaos | 830,943 | 3,592,636 |
9. | Teldin | 778,921 | 1,009,766 |
10. | Rukna Baisioji Akis | 699,775 | 966,376 |
11. | SmartFox | 623,232 | 4,432,132 |
12. | kiesha | 528,943 | 1,125,857 |
13. | MadMax1967 | 441,111 | 1,053,361 |
14. | Simba | 437,423 | 1,112,718 |
15. | Devona | 436,632 | 884,050 |
16. | twynnys | 417,788 | 493,225 |
17. | LordAiron | 358,104 | 674,767 |
18. | Bielka | 236,663 | 3,782,189 |
19. | Saarenbow | 228,860 | 251,341 |
20. | Giliukas | 200,777 | 975,253 |
21. | Laurrriz | 200,091 | 577,670 |
22. | watupdogg | 195,273 | 1,579,760 |
23. | bpmsac | 190,540 | 287,887 |
24. | AGUX | 171,754 | 1,613,650 |
25. | System Administrator | 166,398 | 169,686 |
26. | Dios | 166,051 | 493,173 |
27. | Professor | 159,688 | 532,173 |
28. | Coce | 156,757 | 196,064 |
29. | Calamity Jane | 132,031 | 691,979 |
30. | Pray | 126,918 | 126,918 |
31. | Baras | 86,025 | 2,239,643 |
32. | paladinbarry | 84,370 | 109,877 |
33. | Naltsa Abe | 79,995 | 348,692 |
34. | Whitbread | 70,846 | 224,780 |
35. | tiernan19 | 68,601 | 103,927 |
36. | Mutabor | 65,389 | 89,804 |
37. | FBI | 56,352 | 129,738 |
38. | Arcanix | 53,528 | 215,955 |
39. | virgelis | 53,502 | 563,462 |
40. | Alpha Code | 52,595 | 58,695 |
41. | Reebok LT | 51,616 | 1,252,202 |
42. | iii2 | 45,729 | 576,610 |
43. | Sniper666 | 42,321 | 105,210 |
44. | Hope | 39,896 | 2,166,382 |
45. | Lapausinka | 37,136 | 601,999 |
46. | Cajin Von Sian | 36,572 | 280,248 |
47. | thabin | 35,441 | 1,648,273 |
48. | Dire Wolf | 35,373 | 64,539 |
49. | Grimnor Uthlersson | 35,267 | 311,362 |
50. | exo9110 | 35,155 | 124,305 |
Place | Clan Name | Total Points | Points |
1. | LT Confederation | 34,160,627 | 5,519,460 |
2. | IDG Elite Force | 11,461,499 | 6,232,688 |
3. | Space Cowboys | 9,421,179 | 5,123,651 |
4. | The Order | 7,920,428 | 277,704 |
5. | Armageddon | 4,187,369 | 396,236 |
6. | Chaos in da Galaxy | 1,427,415 | 80,842 |
7. | The underdogs | 1,009,270 | 11,385 |
8. | Anarchy in da Galaxy | 883,188 | 256,153 |
9. | Shadow Industries | 807,129 | 81,772 |
10. | Apocalypse | 785,277 | 315,490 |
11. | The Syndicate | 712,900 | 65,413 |
12. | HIT MY BIG TARGETS | 532,173 | 159,688 |
13. | SUN | 148,873 | 9,975 |
14. | SP Confederation | 124,396 | 28,057 |
15. | X | 117,932 | 3,650 |
16. | Lithasaurs Wraith sq | 111,387 | 31,741 |
17. | Two Man Army | 63,985 | 55,421 |
18. | United Armed Forces | 7,502 | 314 |
19. | The wariors LT | 3,558 | 11 |
20. | Underworlds Minions | 2,540 | 544 |
21. | XxXAlienXxX | 57 | 47 |
Place | Clan Name | Points | Total Points |
1. | IDG Elite Force | 6,232,688 | 11,461,499 |
2. | LT Confederation | 5,519,460 | 34,160,627 |
3. | Space Cowboys | 5,123,651 | 9,421,179 |
4. | Armageddon | 396,236 | 4,187,369 |
5. | Apocalypse | 315,490 | 785,277 |
6. | The Order | 277,704 | 7,920,428 |
7. | Anarchy in da Galaxy | 256,153 | 883,188 |
8. | HIT MY BIG TARGETS | 159,688 | 532,173 |
9. | Shadow Industries | 81,772 | 807,129 |
10. | Chaos in da Galaxy | 80,842 | 1,427,415 |
11. | The Syndicate | 65,413 | 712,900 |
12. | Two Man Army | 55,421 | 63,985 |
13. | Lithasaurs Wraith sq | 31,741 | 111,387 |
14. | SP Confederation | 28,057 | 124,396 |
15. | The underdogs | 11,385 | 1,009,270 |
16. | SUN | 9,975 | 148,873 |
17. | X | 3,650 | 117,932 |
18. | Underworlds Minions | 544 | 2,540 |
19. | United Armed Forces | 314 | 7,502 |
20. | XxXAlienXxX | 47 | 57 |
21. | The wariors LT | 11 | 3,558 |
The end of current round:
1st Apr 2025 00:00:00
SkyLords server time:
8th Mar 2025 19:09:25
Total players: 45,832