Topic Title: :( Wats happening? (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Hope

Topic started: 05:50:53 16th Dec 2005

Posts: 53 Last post: 10:43:36 16th Dec 2005 by Dios

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Hope Posted: 05:50:53 16th Dec 2005

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I feel so powerless :(
Wats all this racket in news???

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SmartFox Posted: 05:53:26 16th Dec 2005

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We just starting to understood how to destroy turrets.. and for now its not clear for me.. for some players fighters ( not trained ) destroying turrets imidiadly and here... we with Reebok could destroyed only 5 or 6 turrets :shrug:


Reebok LT Posted: 05:56:19 16th Dec 2005

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and as i read in topic about turrets fighter has 14 % chances of destroyng turret
its too low because we lost about 100 fighters and destroyed only 5 turrets ??
where is the justice?

Terroristas osama bin Reebok Soprano


Iiridayn Posted: 05:56:21 16th Dec 2005

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No worries, they ran when I logged on. A pack of dogs afraid of a lone wolf ;).

*Edit: Seemed like more pps when I logged in. And was at least one fox ;).

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Reebok LT Posted: 05:57:42 16th Dec 2005

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xax you have 8 more trans to kill so go and kill them lone wolf :D

Terroristas osama bin Reebok Soprano


Hope Posted: 05:58:10 16th Dec 2005

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gimme coords and ill help :P

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Reebok LT Posted: 06:06:54 16th Dec 2005

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Location: Lithuania

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so any comments about those f.... turrets
so you move 200 fighters and destroy 12 turrets? :D
and as i understood you can build a lot of them in a planet
something not right here...

Terroristas osama bin Reebok Soprano


Iiridayn Posted: 06:08:24 16th Dec 2005

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Prof is typing something as we speak, no worries.

Edit: @Reebok LT: I'm not certain I'll end up with more points than you, and I can't exactly keep the location secret by destroying them, so I'm ignoring them for now.

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Baras Posted: 06:08:59 16th Dec 2005

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big :censored: [I'll censor that one anyway]

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Professor Posted: 06:16:20 16th Dec 2005

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An untrained fighter has 7/40 chance of destroying each turret it sees, on average, and will on average see about three turrets, assuming it has full 8k defenses, before it dies. If fighters have less than full defenses, they will die faster. Some fighters used in the attack on Iiridayn may not have been full defense fighters, so would have died faster with lower chance of killing turrets. Using fighters with no defense is best when killing transports, but terrible against turrets.

Also, Iiridayn lost 10 turrets in this attack, not 5 (based on examination of the battle database archive files to get a more accurate and verified number), so the reported data of only 5 turrets being killed here is inaccurate. Also, the number of fighters that were lost in hitting tutrets (as opposed to other ships at the planet, including one of mine) was significantly less than 100. Thus, the results of the battle are not quite as favorable to defense as might be suggested by the comments above.

You can count the number of fighters lost from the new files for the day and verify independently that way that the number of fighters lost attacking that planet were significantly less than the 100 fighter total which was claimed to have been lost here. The news files are consistent with the database records which both show 56 fighters lost, and that is not totally unreasonable for a planet with a very large number of turrets which has a loss of 10 turrets against fighters, especially when some of those fighters appear to have not been full defense ships (might have been part of an experiment, but not a very profitable one if it was an experiment in trying to kill turrets with fighters with less than full defense).

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Reebok LT Posted: 06:16:36 16th Dec 2005

Posts: 302

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

i think if fighter makes some damage it should be done not as it is now if you are lucky to hit you will destroy the turret. so i move a 200 xp fighter and if i am lucky i will destroy the turret
so whats the difference to atack with full trained and to atack with zero xp...

Terroristas osama bin Reebok Soprano


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