Topic Title: Inactives (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: Cajin Von Sian
Topic started: 09:17:41 13th Jan 2015
Posts: 48 Last post: 19:59:39 21st Feb 2015 by Cajin Von Sian
Cajin Von Sian | Posted: 09:17:41 13th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 495 Topics: 79 Location: Angola Gender: Male |
It has been mentioned and discussed before, but it would be nice to reduce the number of inactives in a couple ways:
Cajin Von Sian | Posted: 09:35:01 13th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 495 Topics: 79 Location: Angola Gender: Male |
Here is a link to a spreadsheet I made where you can play around with HW values and the percentage for depletion of defensive and non-defensive resources
Tom Bomadial | Posted: 10:34:20 13th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 423 Topics: 76 Location: United States Gender: Male |
It would be nice to get rid of SP planets which are in all reality HW's that players lost because of failure to up-grade their account. I am not sure how many are out there- but they do exist.
Cajin Von Sian | Posted: 10:56:18 13th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 495 Topics: 79 Location: Angola Gender: Male |
Yeah, I have three of them left on my list, not sure how many others around, one of them fairly lucrative if it wasn't SP |
Arcanix | Posted: 13:13:24 13th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 2036 Topics: 129 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
the SP hw can be taken by the aliens, they lose all resources and become a regular alien though so not a big issue.
watupdogg | Posted: 21:38:27 13th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 2391 Topics: 346 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
Im up for the idea original idea posted by cajin.
Iiridayn | Posted: 17:44:01 15th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
watupdogg: isn't the 5 days a grace period? Technically, I'd normally divest them of their planets via cron job. That might actually be more fair overall. I should probably sort planets somehow instead of by random if I'm not already.
watupdogg | Posted: 18:36:17 15th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 2391 Topics: 346 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
We need a warning though. And instead of random, make the player lose planets after the first 25 on the list if you know what I mean. |
Exemplary Strategy | Posted: 13:29:18 16th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 928 Topics: 47 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Could we have the planets of inactive players become uncolonized planets after x amount of time?
Iiridayn | Posted: 19:36:42 17th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
To your second point - uncolonized is just the null owner, iirc. Ironically, SPC is actually kinda a pain instead of the other way around
Cajin Von Sian | Posted: 19:42:01 17th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 495 Topics: 79 Location: Angola Gender: Male |
Well that would be kind of nice to be able to steal away the E, though depends on if have to leave the ship sitting there, thus making it pirateable/killable by anyone |