Topic Title: a Religion (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: Berserkas
Topic started: 06:48:41 17th May 2006
Posts: 115 Last post: 09:27:31 22nd Apr 2012 by General Stonewall
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Berserkas | Posted: 06:48:41 17th May 2006 |
Posts: 1515 Topics: 32 Gender: Male |
WAY better than the
shaphan | Posted: 08:27:52 17th May 2006 |
Posts: 537 Topics: 54 Location: Azerbaijan Republic Gender: Male |
they cant refute creationism by science, so theyre trying to do so by ridicule
bic pentameter | Posted: 11:43:23 17th May 2006 |
Posts: 47 Topics: 1 |
i see the idea of seperating creationism from evoloution as a problem.
SuperSmithie09 | Posted: 11:58:48 17th May 2006 |
Posts: 425 Topics: 129 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Creation is the only one of the two that is true...
bic pentameter | Posted: 12:15:57 17th May 2006 |
Posts: 47 Topics: 1 |
ok, if we assume that creation is true, then how does that exclude evolution?
interiority | Posted: 13:09:02 17th May 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
awesome! think I'll become a convert... there I was all those years of atheism and I could have been bowing down to the Flyings Spaghetti monster
shaphan | Posted: 09:35:50 18th May 2006 |
Posts: 537 Topics: 54 Location: Azerbaijan Republic Gender: Male |
overwhelming evedence? there is hardly any evedence for evolution: and even if there was it can explain how matter came into being
interiority | Posted: 11:38:42 18th May 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
no evolution cant tell us about how matter came into being (i can only assume that was a spelling mistake there shaphan), but then it doesnt try and isnt supposed to, just like quantum mechanics tells us very little about the knitting. they're unrelated.
Chaos | Posted: 11:44:00 18th May 2006 |
Posts: 6679 Topics: 367 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
How matter came into being: there was a big BANG
lettuce prey | Posted: 12:50:10 18th May 2006 |
Posts: 47 Topics: 0 |
well the next question is about the big bang.
Chaos | Posted: 15:02:04 18th May 2006 |
Posts: 6679 Topics: 367 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
I'm a noob in physics and religion