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Professor Posted: 11:33:20 16th Jan 2006

Posts: 5830

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Location: China

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But, the turret only gets to shoot one volley of shots for each time a fighter attacks. Turrets have maximum hit of 10k, average hit of 5k, and minimum hit of 0k per volley of shots.

If a fighter survives a turret's firing on it, and there are no more turrets, the fighter will finish the attack run and live to fight again.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

MageofMaddness Posted: 12:45:28 19th Jan 2006

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ok..... whatd do you mean finish the attack?......

By my understanding... turrets basically counter attakc with an average of 5k atk when a fighter attacks...... if the turret doesnt destroy the fighter..... does it get destroyed itself..... sorta like crashing an assault?...... or does it counter attack if the fighter attacks again?....... and Im guess Im missing something..... Turrets have Def right?.....
so its a matter of whos def runs out first....

now Im guessing when there is more than one turret its possible for 6 turrets to attack one fighter* 6 parasec around a ship* or is like ships?*infinite number one a parasec? in the case of turrets 152 I believe can attack all at once*........ so then the fighter shouldnt exactly survive.... thouhg if its trained one of those 6/ 152 turrets would fall to its atk, seeing as how fighter atk doesnt vary and does go above 50K which Im guessing is a turrrets defence......

though I havnt looked very hard..... I havnt seen the info Im speculating about posted..... namely in this topic.... which should be about how buildings... inc turrets..... work........


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Iiridayn Posted: 18:42:54 19th Jan 2006

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Here's what happens when you press the attack button:

Ship undergos a single combat round with each turret on the planet until it dies or until it has attacked them all
__A combat round consists of the given turret and fighter firing at each other simultaneously.
____The turret fires 4 shots, each doing 2500 damage, but missing 50% of the time (as long as it was active at the beginning of the attack, and there is enough Uranium)
____The fighter fires, and has a probability of destroying the turret given by (fighter attack / turret defence (which is the cost in silicon, or 40,000))
__As stated above, this sequence repeats until either the fighter has died, or the fighter has attacked each turret once. Should the fighter still live, it can attack again, or be retired.

SkyLords Head Programmer

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iii2 Posted: 21:33:50 19th Jan 2006

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Location: India

But how do inactive turrets get active in this sequence?

Iiridayn Posted: 21:36:11 19th Jan 2006

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You press the attack planet button again.

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Force of nature.

Professor Posted: 23:23:49 19th Jan 2006

Posts: 5830

Topics: 405

Location: China

Gender: Male


Each time you attack the planet, the calculation of how many turrets are active is made.

Active turrets are based on planet defense PLUS amount of uranium on the planet to fuel them. If you run out of uranium, your turrets are sitting ducks and fighters can get free shots at them.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

mythics Posted: 00:12:11 20th Jan 2006

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do turrets (if there is no uranium left to shoot) stay on the planet if they are not destoyed, and the planet is captured?

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Iiridayn Posted: 00:36:39 20th Jan 2006

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No. All buildings are destroyed when that happens.

SkyLords Head Programmer

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MageofMaddness Posted: 21:13:54 20th Jan 2006

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OK Thanks... Im stil at a loss for a topic where I get full detail of what all the building do and there effects and times to build and all that....
Ive built iron mine an dturrets but gambling on what to build is annoying....
or maybe you could so a simple run down in a post or somwhting....


Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

SI For Life....

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AIM MageofMaddness
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ICQ 309-502-911

Iiridayn Posted: 23:04:28 20th Jan 2006

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Want to help write it? I can add it to the bottom of the page, like the resources help link (at the bottom of the gather page).

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Force of nature.

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