Lakamar Sinji | Posted: 17:06:33 26th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1056 Topics: 78 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Call up the SL council and discuss the reset - if they want to move it forward (and I strongly encourage that position) then it can go to an entire vote of SL (starts chants of RE.... SET...... RE..... SET.... RE....SET)
Ice Shardz | Posted: 17:08:02 26th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1145 Topics: 94 Location: United States Gender: Male ISP: Verizon |
LOL I remmeber when SL was plit down the middle for a reset and for no reset now most people want a reset. and I greatly agree.
Filas | Posted: 17:09:21 26th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 2042 Topics: 148 Location: Lithuania |
total points and points of every round are in archive, so I think statistics for total points can be also reseted (if archive won't be destroyed)
Infernal Shadow | Posted: 17:14:22 26th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 184 Gender: Male |
neggy ive allready made a topic for the reset in sl council
Ice Shardz | Posted: 21:02:39 26th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1145 Topics: 94 Location: United States Gender: Male ISP: Verizon |
I saw thats why I didnt make one, and I saw the poll too.
SmartFox | Posted: 01:18:29 27th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1557 Topics: 112 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
Reset now is impossible.. because we have a market now... Some ppl maybe bought credits for cash and after rest they will lose credits. If credits will stay.. so in that cays a reach player will sold all his resources and will start new game with (lets say) 50,000 credits... ( i had 14,000 credits and not was so reach like some of you
Professor | Posted: 07:47:14 27th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 5830 Topics: 405 Location: China Gender: Male ISP: MSN |
If there is a reset, it will be announced in advance, and player can use credits before the reset.
Iiridayn | Posted: 09:57:19 27th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
"total points and points of every round are in archive, so I think statistics for total points can be also reseted (if archive won't be destroyed)" -- VS is right about that. The prior round stats are stored in flat files, and further, we can start with the next round number being a reset, and just keep on incrementing the rounds. I'm personally ambigous about a reset -- I still regard myself as a fairly unskilled player, and still adapting - a reset would simply mean more adaptation.
Rukna Baisioji Akis | Posted: 10:54:06 27th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1374 Topics: 103 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
I'm against the reset. Very strongly. Points could be reseted, if this is the preference of players, although i still can't understand that. That wouldn't affect the game hard. But reseting planets, resources, coords stored and everything that is gained by the players through long time of playing would be a noncence. I can't find a more gentle word for this. The game is changing. There are many new features that are going to be implemented. And of cource there will be changes as long as the game exist. So does this mean we'll need a reset after reset?
Professor | Posted: 11:51:32 27th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 5830 Topics: 405 Location: China Gender: Male ISP: MSN |
Wow. I like that idea. Ranking as percent of maximum points each round. This would be automatically adjusted for changes over time. Not to replace total points, but as additional data.