Topic Title: November Round Changes Planned (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: Professor
Topic started: 11:22:55 23rd Oct 2005
Posts: 55 Last post: 06:58:40 31st Oct 2005 by Professor
Professor | Posted: 11:22:55 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 5830 Topics: 405 Location: China Gender: Male ISP: MSN |
I. Points: There will be some change in the way points are calculated, in two areas. DONE
Whitbread | Posted: 11:33:24 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 805 Topics: 106 Gender: Male |
I think the 7500 Gold minimum for probes will annoy some of the older players but what about the new players? If the new tutorial does teach the new players the importance and many benefits of probing, when they learn they have free upgrades they will be eager to probe but at that price, will they be able to afford it?
Professor | Posted: 11:37:21 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 5830 Topics: 405 Location: China Gender: Male ISP: MSN |
New player missions, as being modified, requires players to probe SUCCESSFULLY with finding new planets to be able to finish the mission. They are given advice about how to probe to find a planet as well, and there are systems that will be near their starting planet that they will be able to find. They will also have enough gold at startup on their planets to be able to do this.
Dark Light | Posted: 14:15:09 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 214 Topics: 13 Gender: Male |
the points formulated per million
Professor | Posted: 14:16:47 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 5830 Topics: 405 Location: China Gender: Male ISP: MSN |
No points if under a million in total, and no points for parts of a million in total. Points rounded down, just like they are now for capturing planets. Only points are for full million of stuff.
GholaBashar | Posted: 14:47:02 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1246 Topics: 68 Location: Romania |
nice changes. i like the way this is going.
Chaos | Posted: 15:45:48 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 6679 Topics: 367 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
Yaaay I'll get points for holding resources
Bert2 | Posted: 16:20:23 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 2477 Topics: 101 Location: United States Gender: Male |
I think that the problem of inactive HW's is taking care of itself.
MageofMaddness | Posted: 18:34:08 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1610 Topics: 121 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Good Changes except Proff youre in some cases wrong about the cost being the same to find a new plannets as this is pure probability, when a person probes at randon or probes from a set of coords as opposed to probing from a fixed point at all times outward.........
Infernal Shadow | Posted: 18:43:23 23rd Oct 2005 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 184 Gender: Male |
good i dont think people really wanna read long winded explanations
Ice Shardz | Posted: 06:51:40 24th Oct 2005 |
Posts: 1145 Topics: 94 Location: United States Gender: Male ISP: Verizon |
thank you.