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Cajin Von Sian Posted: 11:51:47 23rd Jan 2015

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Location: Angola

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1,779... it was 1,782 before I captured that system an hour or two ago and that is the only capture that has happened for a few hours... my original calculation was off, it is 1 system per hour that drops, so there should have been a couple systems dropped in that time assuming it is on a regular schedule. So yeah, it might be broken

watupdogg Posted: 12:04:01 23rd Jan 2015

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I mean I dont mind not having to clear nearbys off hws but looks like something is off..

Iiridayn Posted: 15:21:40 23rd Jan 2015

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CVS: I have a log with every system drop time and coordinate (obviously I never look at it when playing the game :P) - the drops have been continuing apace today, at one an hour... I'd paste the log, but... ;).

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Exemplary Strategy Posted: 18:20:51 23rd Jan 2015

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Maybe the planet count feature is broken or doesn't update regularly.

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

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Cajin Von Sian Posted: 20:58:46 23rd Jan 2015

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You're positive they are coming to real arena? Cause there are 1,763 now which is 16 less than before, it's been about 9 hours since my last post and there have been 17 captures in the news, assuming they were all oblitted then that is only a +1 from the spawning. The planet counter updates not too long after I oblit stuff, maybe about the usual 15 minute cycle for it and I can't imagine it would wait until say midnight to count the spawned ones... not to question ya Iiri, but the math isn't adding up and I don't like it when that happens.

Exemplary Strategy Posted: 23:42:31 23rd Jan 2015

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It would make sense for the planet count to update every night for system drops and then just throughout the day only update for captures/oblits, and then update again the next night for new system drops. I could see it being set up that way. If it were, and not all the planets were obliterated after capture, then I could see it looking like the system isn't dropping planets when it is.

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

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Cajin Von Sian Posted: 10:22:49 26th Jan 2015

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Location: Angola

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1,707 planets, haven't noticed any uptick in planets and not that many are being captured since, such as yesterday, over past few days just a steady decrease

Iiridayn Posted: 18:28:27 26th Jan 2015

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Ah, yep. The script is running, not throwing any errors, logging correctly, but the result of it is creating weird voids in space. I figure about 450 systems have been lost; about 2 weeks worth.

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Iiridayn Posted: 18:47:44 26th Jan 2015

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This is the kind of thing that has inspired my rewriting project, and why I've been uncomfortable with touching the code otherwise. About 2 weeks ago I made some long overdue changes to the system configuration. I knew that doing this would break some features in SkyLords, and tried to fix them. That it would break things is why they were long overdue ;). This is one of the things that I fixed incorrectly.

This is an excellent example of why I'm rebuilding the foundation of the code - I'm kinda tired of and annoyed at playing Jenga every time I make a minor change :P.

Anyway - I've tested this one and it's working again. I was tempted to just drop the ~450 systems which I gypped y'all on, but decided that you would probably appreciate it more if I didn't ;). Still, bug fixed, more planets - yay! :).

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Cajin Von Sian Posted: 18:56:37 26th Jan 2015

Posts: 495

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Location: Angola

Gender: Male

Excellent grand master Iiri, I was trying to decide if I would like the drop or not, would give me a little more to do, except I'm working on my own project so maybe it is better that you don't

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