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mythics Posted: 16:35:45 1st May 2006

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so, did the change take effect or not?

Yah, SL is fun.

Iiridayn Posted: 16:54:48 1st May 2006

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Bert2 Posted: 14:08:25 4th May 2006

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Yeah I also would like to agree with Filas on this. Voting has been counterproductive, everyone votes what's in their best interest and newbs do not know enough of the game to make a coherent choice. What we need is an unidentified core group that discusses these things in private and make suggestions for game improvement. Maybe a Securtity Council Forum that is password locked and does not show any posting information.......

This group should be by invite only and any and all conversations would need to be kept secret and not spill over onto the game forum. Massive penalties for any transgressions should be applied. The group would be visually united behind all changes. There is enough infighting as it is on the main forums. I'm not sure of the actual activity level, but we appear to be slowing down and something needs to be done to ensure SL's growth...

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Professor Posted: 18:56:40 4th May 2006

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We effectively had or have this on the SL council, but most issues there reached deadlock fairly quickly. Some were decided, but the group became relatively inactive.

However, we might be able to bring this back, as it was intended to do exactly what you are suggesting, and sort of did for a while.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Moiare Posted: 23:47:53 4th May 2006

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so Filas...

You found any of those 8 to 10 mill planets yet? Since you and the rest of the vets in the game don't want them... mind passing along the cords to me and I'll make sure to clear them out for our newbies :P

Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

If you build it, they will complain.

Filas Posted: 01:44:56 5th May 2006

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Location: Lithuania

in last days I increased number of high defence planets to 22, and was going to go up, but after professor announced shield changes in june it seems to be not worth of building these small HWs just for one round, as after shield change defence of these will fall to 6mln and this is a bit too low.

Country music, whiskey and OK

Reaper Of Souls2 Posted: 02:20:12 5th May 2006

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u should give me 1 or 2 of these small hw's :) ... it could really help a noob out :(

Of all the music genres only one is worth me paying attention to, that is the genre of Juggalos! ICP all the way no matter wat u say fool!

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Berserkas Posted: 04:24:42 5th May 2006

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youre not a noob ;)

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

Professor Posted: 07:13:20 5th May 2006

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You can put a bit more defense on them and still get decent interest, but the risk is slightly higher once the new shield formula comes in place. Perhaps too much risk for the return available.

Then again, choices and tradeoffs are not all bad. If there is one obviously good and dominant strategy for all to pursue, there are less choices and tradeoffs.

And, a six million defense HW might start to look like an interesting target, even for a newbie, since newbies have two weeks with up to 25 planets in the training arena, and so have a chance now to build up a bit of an assault or defense force before joining the real arena.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Reaper Of Souls2 Posted: 15:33:45 5th May 2006

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"Alternative is to have lower interest for all players, with interest dropping to 0.1% or 0.2% for all levels of T on all planets."

we need to have no intrest period... all this intrest and buildings is makin this game to confusing to play.. just leave it how zygi made it he had it perfect...

ppl may like this stuff cuz it makes them tougher but also it makes their enemys weaker by taking it away... if someone is really strong now and they are toafraid of being to weak if this stuff is takin away then they just gotta understand that this is lowering the level of all players so their enemy will be getting just as weak as them... basically lowering the standards...

Of all the music genres only one is worth me paying attention to, that is the genre of Juggalos! ICP all the way no matter wat u say fool!

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