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Iiridayn Posted: 23:32:30 29th Mar 2006

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So do one of the two, and we have balance? ;P.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

MBIK Posted: 03:25:45 30th Mar 2006

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Location: Lithuania

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Why are players not active? Because they don't have to be active to reach the goal.
As I remember, usually when I have been coming back in the middle of the round after being inactive, I've been going up to 40th-50th place in 1-2 days. When I became active this round after a few days I was somewhere in the middle of top 50 by planets captured, but I was something like 15k points below the top 50 by points! (and I'm not there yet, poor MBIK) I thought 'That's great, SkyLords has a lot more active players than it used to have!'. I saw Professor being first and have been wondering if he's still fighting with LTC as I've seen he was doing last round. I checked his profile and I don't remember how many planets he had captured then, but it wasn't more than 4, because his profile shows 4 planets captured at the moment. That made me doubt about players' activity. Was many HWs taken this round? Or have I just lost my skills or luck?
So, in my opinion, players would be more active if they HAVE to be active to reach the goal. If player isn't active, he shouldn't be able to lead the round! The current points system simply doesn't induce players to be active.
I hope to see more active game in a couple of days when the new round starts and no more points for resources will be given.

By the way, as somebody was speaking about it, Lithuanians forums seems to be dead ATM.

This post was made of recycled electrons.

kotica Posted: 08:48:59 30th Mar 2006

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perhaps MBIK. But why am I not attacking? because the game is change next round (and the round after that) I'm not sure what the future holds - call me conservative - I'm going to wait and see what happens. Note: I was going to prepare to attack this round until I start reading upcoming changes.

Bottom line - long term strategy game that changes rules (often) creates uncertainty in players causing cautious behavior.

You want players to attack? announce that the game will be reset next month. Everyone will use everything to attack all that they can regardless of interest or points for resources. :D

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

I only know what I read on the internet.

Bert2 Posted: 09:35:29 30th Mar 2006

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Oh yeah that will work what HW's would they attack? No one would keep a HW if that was announced. I'm not stupid, All of mine would be put on ships, I'd train all that I could and build fighters with the rest. ALl of my HW's would be oblitted so that no one could gain points off fo me. :shrug: I'd assume that everyone would do the same.

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14th Sep

Infatagable Posted: 10:52:22 30th Mar 2006

Posts: 9

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I have a simple idea:

A game reset every three months, with the current 1 month rounds. Total points are carried over each time.

Shadow Stalker Posted: 10:55:06 30th Mar 2006

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one word


It's allways been my fault

Naltsa Abe Posted: 10:56:34 30th Mar 2006

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second word


Naltsa Abe, The one, the only, the craziest welshman in the game!

You may have the troops and the assaults to go with them, but always remember....

I have crashed the server!!!

Infatagable Posted: 10:58:19 30th Mar 2006

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Perhaps this idea would have more voice if given by a vet :)

Shadow Stalker Posted: 10:58:25 30th Mar 2006

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3rd and 4th words


It's allways been my fault

Reiver Demon Posted: 11:02:32 30th Mar 2006

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sometimes noobs are really smart (this is a serious comment, not sarcasm, though it has implications about most noobs)

"Imagine, 7 million people all wanting to live together. New York must be the friendliest place on the face of the Earth"

Pie Eating, Spam Making Member of CiDG

I am back, come and get me.

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