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Arcanix Posted: 12:14:53 22nd Sep 2005

Posts: 2036

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Location: Portugal

Gender: Male

1 - don't like that (The market is there to trade, to make decisions, to see a good oportunity to buy, or to sell, sometimes good trades other times bad trades)
2 - don't like either (not very logical, once resources reach market you shouldn't be able to withdraw them, also same reason aas above)

3 - can't decide (it will be useful but for that we have the trading forum)

Filas Posted: 12:15:03 22nd Sep 2005

Posts: 2042

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Location: Lithuania

LS, seems like at the moment there is one way to remove your res from market (and then you can put it with different price if you want) - buy them :)

Country music, whiskey and OK

Grand Admiral Felix Posted: 12:15:37 22nd Sep 2005

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

theres something weird in the Uranium buying part. also it would be nice to have a way to take it off if you change your mind.

~Space Cowboy~
"Know the species art and know the species."
~Grand Admiral Thrawn~

Filas Posted: 12:18:15 22nd Sep 2005

Posts: 2042

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Location: Lithuania

Arcanix - depends on the purpose why the market was intorduced. As if they want to see real market activity, other money but credits should be used, as else number of trades in nuber of traders in the market will be low.

Country music, whiskey and OK

Grand Admiral Felix Posted: 12:23:34 22nd Sep 2005

Posts: 562

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

I think we should be able to trade res for res like this too...I think more people would use it that way.

~Space Cowboy~
"Know the species art and know the species."
~Grand Admiral Thrawn~

Iiridayn Posted: 12:43:11 22nd Sep 2005

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You can sell res to the market for credits, if the price is low enough. Also, you can buy your own resources. There is currently no tax, so it is safe to put them up and take them down later. The choice to use credits instead of anything for anything else was made after great deliberation of all the issues we could think of at the time. Currently, below a certain point the market has infinate demand for resources, and has an infinate supply at a fixed price.

Also, if you find any bugs (*gasp* ;P) please let me know so I can fix them as soon as possible.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Zerohours Posted: 13:13:52 22nd Sep 2005

Posts: 2443

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Location: Canada

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there should be a price that it instant sells at....adn as for the res trade for is......

i sell 100k troops i get 50 creds tehn i buy iron with them....creds is money...:P

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Arcanix Posted: 13:28:23 22nd Sep 2005

Posts: 2036

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Location: Portugal

Gender: Male

Iiridayn, is there a time limit for the resources in the market if no one buys them?, or will i have to wait until someone buy the resources?

Zerohours Posted: 14:24:23 22nd Sep 2005

Posts: 2443

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Location: Canada

Gender: Male

um i mean like i go to sell troops i put sell now and its gives me the amount of creds as the lowest price atm.......if i chose to just puit them adn wait hten i hit just sell....:P

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

Infernal Shadow Posted: 15:21:08 22nd Sep 2005

Posts: 2410

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Gender: Male

wot about class limit is it available for everyone?

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