Topic Title: Progress Update 2020-06-04 (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Iiridayn

Topic started: 05:17:54 4th Jun 2020

Posts: 6 Last post: 22:21:18 12th Oct 2020 by Iiridayn

Iiridayn Posted: 05:17:54 4th Jun 2020

Posts: 1645

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

Made some visible changes:
- paste coords to iflight
- Single click coord select w/modern browsers
- Hyper/iflight random coord placeholder text
- Fixed PM link on home page (which I broke)
- Fixed discord news to show all planets probed instead of just the first, and like news events
- Shift-click gathering for +/- 5 at a time
- Building queue ticks down while loaded
- Fixed news spam w/the 2 nearbys upgrade - now just puts the same nearby detected once per login

Put in about 44 hours since the last post - part support, more than half restructuring code, and a bit into features as well. Seems even simple features are received well, so I'll try to keep up on a few small ones as I go through. Hopefully won't put in so much time this month though - still need to pass quals, and it's after 5 am here ;).

I'll keep uplifting the code in my free time, fix any major bugs, hopefully create fewer than I fix (and hopefully those are easy to find and fix :S ), and we'll see where things go from there.

Minimum number of SLOC which still need changing (html building in strings, references to former framework structures): 4,111. Actual count much higher, including moving embedded SQL out, etc. Minimum number of files to touch: 229.

That's actually an improvement from earlier - I think last time I checked lines were around 7k - though I've been avoiding a few really nasty files, so the work is not linear in effort :).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

ReaperOfSouls Posted: 05:29:30 4th Jun 2020

Posts: 266

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

I don't know what the last bit of that means but let me be first to say Thank You! for all the work you've been putting into this game. These small quality of life improvements and fixes definitely go a long way. I saw the ghost coords in the hyperjump field and at first thought it was pulled from my clipboard automatically but then realized it kept changing. Then I was worried those coords were being leaked from somewhere so I hyperjumped to one and saw it led to empty space lol. Really enjoying all of these updates and thanks for repairing the pm link on the homepage, I knew I wasn't crazy. I'm not sure what the discord news you're referring to is. We have a new feed in Discord?

Previous Aliases:
JR Scovill
Future SL Ruler
Reaper Of Souls
Reaper Of Souls2

Iiridayn Posted: 12:08:24 4th Jun 2020

Posts: 1645

Topics: 98

Location: United States

Gender: Male

Yeah, seriously considered pulling from the clipboard, but I'm not a fan as a user of sites which pop up random permission requests, and clipboard is a pretty sensitive permission. Maybe I can unlock it under upgrades or something, making it clearly opt-in and creating a relationship, making my motivation to not abuse it plain. Huh - not a bad upgrade actually.

There's something DAngel can add to SL Satellite easier than I can add it to the game, ironically :).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

ReaperOfSouls Posted: 10:46:25 6th Jun 2020

Posts: 266

Topics: 15

Location: United States

Gender: Male

Good insight, I don't know how useful a draw from clipboard would be when you could simply CTRL V into the field. I'd probably continue pasting manually honestly.

Previous Aliases:
JR Scovill
Future SL Ruler
Reaper Of Souls
Reaper Of Souls2

MadMax1967 Posted: 16:35:44 4th Jul 2020

Posts: 442

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

Awesome modifications Iiridayn glad to see you working on the game again.


Otto Carius Posted: 10:35:17 25th Jul 2020

Posts: 99

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Location: Indonesia

Gender: Male

Hi Iiri, it was a long long time for me not to play SL.
How are you?
I wanna ask about Timezone setting.
I can't set time to +9 and above.
Please help. Thanks.

Salam Satu Nyali, WANI!

Iiridayn Posted: 22:21:18 12th Oct 2020

Posts: 1645

Topics: 98

Location: United States

Gender: Male

@Otto Cairus: should be fixed now

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

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