Topic Title: What I would do.... (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: Naltsa Abe
Topic started: 05:38:37 4th Jan 2014
Posts: 13 Last post: 12:32:33 16th Oct 2014 by Alpha Code
Naltsa Abe | Posted: 05:38:37 4th Jan 2014 |
Posts: 1600 Topics: 236 Location: United Kingdom Gender: Male |
Let the obiteration commence.
DAngel | Posted: 05:49:09 4th Jan 2014 |
Posts: 744 Topics: 57 Location: United Kingdom |
I would love to see a few extra servers being made, like OGame. This would give everyone a chance to start fresh while keeping their old saves. This would probably not be good though as we would be splitting the user base :-(
Tiernan19 | Posted: 06:41:35 4th Jan 2014 |
Posts: 244 Topics: 39 Location: United States Gender: Male |
naltse what i would love is to see u active again
General Stonewall | Posted: 10:25:38 4th Jan 2014 |
Posts: 2187 Topics: 23 Location: Costa Rica Gender: Male |
I'll second that motion
Tom Bomadial | Posted: 11:14:17 5th Jan 2014 |
Posts: 423 Topics: 76 Location: United States Gender: Male |
I just don't know how large a old timers fleet would get if ships were not taken out of action in an assault. The idea of having dedicated ships was (I think) to simulate a fleet action instead of a single ship action. However none of the game programing allows for a fighter to defend either an assault or transport that it is accompanying. At present I don't know if the system could handle designated fleets for planet assaults or fleet movements. I am sure that working out a routine for a active player attacking an inactive players fleet is plausible.
Iiridayn | Posted: 22:35:20 6th Jan 2014 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Naltsa Abe: those sound like interesting ideas; I honestly don't see the use for a carrier. As I understand it it would do nothing more than the fleet grouping iflight does, but would take more time to code than I think I'd like to spend. Adding a cost to obliterate planets does sound appealing, such as 1 MU E or something like that.
Tom Bomadial | Posted: 16:53:50 8th Jan 2014 |
Posts: 423 Topics: 76 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Now I have been doing some thought on this. Maybe my conclusions are wrong.
Tiernan19 | Posted: 07:30:28 21st Jan 2014 |
Posts: 244 Topics: 39 Location: United States Gender: Male |
what u guys say about the fighters are true BUT it was just be to act like a carrier for its not like u really know where assaults fleet is going to land all ur told is intrution and time to have a need for fighters to go with assault is if n the message u got coords to where the ship or ships are going to land so if u where to progam this u would have to add coords to intrution list ..........and about it costing something to blow up a planet would have to be energy,uranium,hydro but in adding this would do wrong to the game i feel since it never has costed n the past
Tiernan19 | Posted: 07:44:41 21st Jan 2014 |
Posts: 244 Topics: 39 Location: United States Gender: Male |
if ur thinking of things to add as some of the things talked of n the past the clan planet target a max or more then maxed planet spawn once a months 1pre clan homeworld would be nice could also be add to stats and would lead about to sniping of planets if a clan dosent kill it asap.............also othere would be a ship to find ships that have just been sitting since the dawn of time dont know how u would do range to make it worth it but not worth it so u can still leave ships out or could make a new upgrade costing 1k or more credits to keep ships hiden from said ship which would make for playing having to be active in order to keep said ships/res also would incase sales of credits and or active n rounds to win said credits<------------these are upgrades adds we need the ones that keep the game active,fun,aggresive, and most of all profit for u/full time progammer and or equipment to keep the game running cause lits face it a reprogammer that u have talked about sounds more like a SL two a tottle remake revamp of the game
Naltsa Abe | Posted: 16:10:12 30th Jan 2014 |
Posts: 1600 Topics: 236 Location: United Kingdom Gender: Male |
Iiri! You are about!
Tiernan19 | Posted: 15:01:52 9th Feb 2014 |
Posts: 244 Topics: 39 Location: United States Gender: Male |
naltsa abe i agree with the mult serever thing alwasy ends up killing the first and sec n so on but if iiri would shut down for a total rewrite should do what was done for the crash copy paste everything here to a SL2 so to say but also instead of a server 1 and 2 something that i dont ever think has been brought up is a speed round type of thing that would restart every round same format of everything accpet planets produce 10x the amount n a day and instead of a player defeat and times defeat it would be times won times lose