Topic Title: Balancing Defending with Attacking (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Cajin Von Sian

Topic started: 08:39:39 18th Dec 2008

Posts: 15 Last post: 02:37:50 25th Dec 2010 by Exemplary Strategy

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Cajin Von Sian Posted: 08:39:39 18th Dec 2008

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Location: Angola

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There had been talk prior to the crash about having a partial return on crashed assaults in HW attacks- make it a lil more profitable considering the generally weak non-def state...

me and a couple others had talked about the need to make attacking and building HWs up both attractive-

HW building attraction- decent interest and at least a few good valued buildings- but limit the number of planets that can have buildings/interest to... 5? (whether have to select them on planet screen or what, dunno)

Attacking- Some felt a downside to the game is the time it takes to build up for attacks- so we felt that you should be able to increase production using morale- .1% increase in production per 100k damage done to another player (.1% minimum so production planets count and SP/Aliens do not) with a 100% increase max- defending player drops a related % down to a minimum of 0 morale which would be normal production rates. ....

There were a couple other notes on it, such as a bonus for attacking someone in the top 5 for previous round and bonuses for those top five also- as well as neg or pos for attacking newer/older players. This would allow for a potential gathering of around 90M/round for an active player.

RioGrande Posted: 09:38:05 18th Dec 2008

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Attacking- Some felt a downside to the game is the time it takes to build up for attacks- so we felt that you should be able to increase production using morale- .1% increase in production per 100k damage done to another player (.1% minimum so production planets count and SP/Aliens do not) with a 100% increase max- defending player drops a related % down to a minimum of 0 morale which would be normal production rates. ....

it WOULD give moral something to do. i like it.

13:36:34 | ratas planet Shompanas has been captured by RioGrande, Elites In Da Galaxy.
18:28:35 | MageofMaddness planet 000MaddLab has been captured by RioGrande, IDG Elite Force.

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Iiridayn Posted: 02:13:52 19th Dec 2008

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I like it.

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Pray Posted: 18:31:51 20th Dec 2008

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I like it too.

:worthy: Cajin.

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20:48:19 | Professor planet 0 from paladin
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Chaos Posted: 11:13:58 21st Dec 2008

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I kind of like it :)
I think 100% is a bit too much, maybe limit it to 50% or so (and even that's a lot). I wouldn't want a situation where players rich enough to attack HWs become even richer while all newbies would be stuck with twice slower gathering.

Also I'm not sure if limiting planets with buildings to 5 is a good idea, since most people would just use ships to store the rest of their resources, and that would reduce the number of good targets.

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me naam is m Posted: 12:07:28 21st Dec 2008

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yeah, 100% definitely is too much...

and chaos definitely has a point about the max number of HW's

Where has the rum gone!?

Cajin Von Sian Posted: 09:02:51 22nd Dec 2008

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Could start Newbs out with 100% for their 1st month to help them get stronger quicker- more incentive to stick around since when ya start out feels like it takes awhile to really get going-

limiting it to 5 (maybe up to 10) HWs means you hit that point and you might as well start attacking- if you have it where any planets can be a HW like now then the best strategy is to get 50 HWs before you start attacking- this way you get some and you might as well attack- especially if you lose one- since losing a decent HW would drop you back down to normal production rates if you had been up- keeps it as a constant tug-o-war...

though a couple things would need thinking about- I think running morale as a constant amount and not as a monthly gain would be needed-
If have the bonus for attacking the top 5 players of previous round then need bonus incentive to get top spots- make minimum % for them the next round as 90,80,70,60, 50%, that way they can be targets but still maintain decently, give 1st place 5 more stars for the month, 4th 4 more, etc. (comes into play later)-
Being able to drop/gain 100% on a single full HW attack makes HWs somewhat hazardous (though only losing 32M def resource still) need to make sure they are valuable, and particularly valuable to non-def resources to make them good targets- maybe remove the 1M cap on interest so make it more profitable to have more on the planet-
Need at least 10k defense on a planet to gain any morale (hopefully help keep from abusing the system)-
Have 10% bonus morale per star above you and 50% less morale for attacking someone with less stars than you- no morale for attacking 1 star

Bit of stuff- hopefully not making it too complex. And Arcanix and Cork worked with me a lot on this idea, though that is not a guaranteed endorsement by them.

Arcanix Posted: 13:39:53 22nd Dec 2008

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i would rather have stars assigned based on your position on player by total points, makes more sence to me.

RioGrande Posted: 17:25:19 22nd Dec 2008

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also like that idea

13:36:34 | ratas planet Shompanas has been captured by RioGrande, Elites In Da Galaxy.
18:28:35 | MageofMaddness planet 000MaddLab has been captured by RioGrande, IDG Elite Force.

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Angel of Darkness Posted: 03:24:11 25th Dec 2008

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very good ideas.... like to see it put into work.

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17:11:36 | MilkywayMaster planet Admetus
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Cajin Von Sian Posted: 21:01:02 10th Jan 2009

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We were talking about it some more and wondered if this method might lead to a lack of HWs due to the hopefully increased attacking, if the interest and buildings would be insufficient to meet the demand of the potential more attacking so had a couple more ideas to add on to it
1- Clan wars- be able to select a clan that you are at war with (needs to last a month at least, maybe a checkbox in the diplomacy page) and have a bonus to the morale increase/decrease for attacking that clan- since your citizens are even happier or more depressed depending on how a real war is going.... (figured this would also create more focused fighting instead of just randomly taking HWs)

2- Communications Center building- this is the primary reason to have to create an HW or preferably a few of them- this is a lil more expensive than the regular buildings but it provides communication capabilities for your civilization- what does that mean- lvl 1 allows probe/extended nearby/piracy detection upgrades, lvl 2 allows increase to 35 planets, lvl 3 up to 45, lvl 4 up to 55, lvl 5, up to 65- all upgrades still have to be purchased as normal, this just creates the capability- so if you lost your comm center you lose your upgrade capability- good reason to have it on multiple HWs, difficult to lose 5 HWs in one month- not impossible, but harder.

3- Potential, not sure on this one- have a required number of non-def on a planet for certain levels of buildings to run- would also be helped out by removing the interest cap-

Additional notes- Can't transfer planets with buildings on them.
Also talked about imagining entering this world as a newb- how would it be, want to get in on the action quickly to make it interesting- hmmm having a couple brain storming ideas about this right now... I'll post more on it once run it by some people.

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