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H911Reiver Posted: 00:19:57 16th Dec 2008

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I always died back then lol, I tried my hardest but immunity ended and the LT would kill me, every time -.-

can we have the transport attack glitch back? that way players who enjoy abusing the system have more fun? and that way people who think it's funny to have a ship that can do like 75 mil in damage with 2.5 mil troops without losing your ship can enjoy themselves :)

Now with 93% less edge and teenage angst

MageofMaddness Posted: 00:21:22 16th Dec 2008

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perfect example.... me and arcanix fighting over a system today two uncs.. 19x plannets.. he got one and i got one... this is his way of defending the plannet...

Total defense:

The Swarm




when did this become the norm?... :shrug:... i could do the same but really whats the point?...

Difficult takes a Day.....
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SI For Life....

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AIM MageofMaddness
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Iiridayn Posted: 03:08:58 17th Dec 2008

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Arcanix: Language forums stay, for the same reason I'm interested in your Portugese offer. PM me enhancement requests as well pls, so I don't lose track of them - simple non-balance issues I can task as time allows. Feel free to post them too! -- just, please send out a PM when/as they hit you. (regarding that arrows thing, thanks).

MoM / RD: points made - RD, that we don't want to bring back 'all' of the way it was - MoM, regarding heavy stagnation x simplicity.

A careful balance needs to be struck between safety (which, honestly, keeps players coming back), and insecurity (which does the same thing ;) ). A simpler system is easier to balance. A personal preference of mine is towards a simpler, but more diverse game, if I communicate myself clearly. Not a simple game, but a game where the rules are well defined, and it doesn't take a degree in math to know that's it's fair. Where that's going to take us, I don't quite know - but I know that I want to quickly triple the number of active players we once had, and that a reset from a good initial fair ground is probably going to be needed in order to achieve this in the end.

How to maintain this is the next question, without requiring fragmentation & "shards" (though language shards are possible). And ofc all of this without server load, etc. night.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

MageofMaddness Posted: 03:19:42 17th Dec 2008

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i understand and agree whole heatedly with diverse but simple.. but that would require introducing new elements.. possibly new ships or types of plannets or possible different types of players types.. races.. classes.... or something... its the reason why chess is such a celebrated game... simple but quite diverse.. litteral translation of that.. warcraft lol.. no not W.o.W regular warcraft lol... best game on earth... after sl.. that is... :)

nvm me i just like warcraft lol...

buildings were an attempt at diversity.. but personally i always wanted new ships... lol always thought that was the easiest way to go...

i also always though assaults should be able to attack other assaults.. and then you would minus troops and exp... and that transporters should take damage whenever they pirated assaults that had exp or any ship with exp actually... so that you could only pirate so many times before your ship went caboom.. etc etc.. ive had all kindsa ideas...

Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

SI For Life....

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Yeah keep it in the family....

AIM MageofMaddness
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Arcanix Posted: 04:08:29 17th Dec 2008

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well SL is boring for most people, and it will always be like that becuase it's just too damm slow paced, just the hardcore group of players will play this no matter how messed up it will be.

And MOM, the difference between you planet defense and mine is this:

The Swarm

US Confederation

Pray Posted: 04:20:56 17th Dec 2008

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As far as buildings go, take out the turrets, and anything producing shields, possibly warp building as well. Then, educe everything to level 2 or 3.

I enjoy all the other buildings - they can help new players, and wouldn't be so unbalanced with a reset.

Right now there's also an excess amount of planets, something which must be taken care of.
For this amount of players, I prefer < 10k planets. What do you think?

A storm is coming, a storm is coming in..

20:48:19 | Professor planet 0 from paladin
20:20:21 | Arcanix planet 14 Arcanix 01

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Arcanix Posted: 04:21:23 17th Dec 2008

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And to balance SL all you need to do is to make sure a x10 shield planets takes as many non-def to capture as it holds.

Qeueep in mind shields wer limited to x20, and buildinhs in p.hw's only out-produced x20s if the shield was set to 10pp.

How to do this? lower shield eficiency or lower trainning cost, even better make a little bit of both.

MageofMaddness Posted: 13:08:32 17th Dec 2008

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arcanix i can definately put 10 mil e on that plannets but i realluy dont see the point... and dont get me started on TS... if i was at the point where i was before the server got rolled bk i would gladly declare a 1 man war against TS just to see if yall had the balls... if anyone here remember i was one of few players brave enough to declare war against proff.. that was prolly the most fun ive had in the longest.. he and i still share a system actually lol... and all of this is stemming from the point that the game has become stagnant... in the old days enemies wouldnt dare share a system for more than a month because at the end of that month one of those systems was going to go and that is just the fact of it... sl isnt what it used to be...

Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

SI For Life....

Proud USC member.....
Yeah keep it in the family....

AIM MageofMaddness
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ICQ 309-502-911

Pray Posted: 13:14:24 17th Dec 2008

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

Keep at x20 shields max, lose the shield building.
Keep production the same.
Reduce training cost however.
This calls for slight changes in attack formula for SPC planets.

A storm is coming, a storm is coming in..

20:48:19 | Professor planet 0 from paladin
20:20:21 | Arcanix planet 14 Arcanix 01

Diplomacy & Trading Forum Moderator.

FORTRANshadow Posted: 13:50:40 17th Dec 2008

Posts: 383

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One of the things that has kept me coming back to SL is that it is possible to build a long-term strategy based on the various buildings, turrets, shields, fighter and transport training, attack formulas, etc (let's call it political chess). It would hold no interest for me if it were just another shoot and run game -- I have plenty of those with much more interesting graphics. :-)

I was OK with the building level change that made things less productive and more expensive, but I think major changes will destroy the balance that allows long-term thinkers to enjoy this game. We never really got to see the effects of the stable worm holes, since the game disappeared shortly after they were active. We were also starting to see scarcity of certain non-defensive resources as a result of the building changes - I think those would have had the desired effect of decreasing the number of production points applied to defensive resources. There just wasn't enough time for the effects to be recognized.

A reset and game changes at the same time will probably result in too much instability for it to be an enjoyable distraction.

As you can imagine, I'm not really a fan of a reset, since we will end up with the same situation within a year; however, it may be different players who become the all-stars. Frequent resets would eliminate that issue, but would totally eliminate my interest in the game.

Just my two cents...

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