H911Reiver | Posted: 00:19:57 16th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 1939 Topics: 44 Location: United States Gender: Male |
I always died back then lol, I tried my hardest but immunity ended and the LT would kill me, every time -.-
MageofMaddness | Posted: 00:21:22 16th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 1610 Topics: 121 Location: United States Gender: Male |
perfect example.... me and arcanix fighting over a system today two uncs.. 19x plannets.. he got one and i got one... this is his way of defending the plannet...
Iiridayn | Posted: 03:08:58 17th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Arcanix: Language forums stay, for the same reason I'm interested in your Portugese offer. PM me enhancement requests as well pls, so I don't lose track of them - simple non-balance issues I can task as time allows. Feel free to post them too! -- just, please send out a PM when/as they hit you. (regarding that arrows thing, thanks).
MageofMaddness | Posted: 03:19:42 17th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 1610 Topics: 121 Location: United States Gender: Male |
i understand and agree whole heatedly with diverse but simple.. but that would require introducing new elements.. possibly new ships or types of plannets or possible different types of players types.. races.. classes.... or something... its the reason why chess is such a celebrated game... simple but quite diverse.. litteral translation of that.. warcraft lol.. no not W.o.W regular warcraft lol... best game on earth... after sl.. that is...
Arcanix | Posted: 04:08:29 17th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 2036 Topics: 129 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
well SL is boring for most people, and it will always be like that becuase it's just too damm slow paced, just the hardcore group of players will play this no matter how messed up it will be.
Pray | Posted: 04:20:56 17th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 2255 Topics: 147 Location: United States Gender: Male |
As far as buildings go, take out the turrets, and anything producing shields, possibly warp building as well. Then, educe everything to level 2 or 3.
Arcanix | Posted: 04:21:23 17th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 2036 Topics: 129 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
And to balance SL all you need to do is to make sure a x10 shield planets takes as many non-def to capture as it holds.
MageofMaddness | Posted: 13:08:32 17th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 1610 Topics: 121 Location: United States Gender: Male |
arcanix i can definately put 10 mil e on that plannets but i realluy dont see the point... and dont get me started on TS... if i was at the point where i was before the server got rolled bk i would gladly declare a 1 man war against TS just to see if yall had the balls... if anyone here remember i was one of few players brave enough to declare war against proff.. that was prolly the most fun ive had in the longest.. he and i still share a system actually lol... and all of this is stemming from the point that the game has become stagnant... in the old days enemies wouldnt dare share a system for more than a month because at the end of that month one of those systems was going to go and that is just the fact of it... sl isnt what it used to be...
Pray | Posted: 13:14:24 17th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 2255 Topics: 147 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Keep at x20 shields max, lose the shield building.
FORTRANshadow | Posted: 13:50:40 17th Dec 2008 |
Posts: 383 Topics: 17 Location: United States Gender: Male |
One of the things that has kept me coming back to SL is that it is possible to build a long-term strategy based on the various buildings, turrets, shields, fighter and transport training, attack formulas, etc (let's call it political chess). It would hold no interest for me if it were just another shoot and run game -- I have plenty of those with much more interesting graphics. :-)