Topic Title: If we reset, what will go? (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Iiridayn

Topic started: 21:44:10 14th Dec 2008

Posts: 78 Last post: 21:42:19 19th Dec 2008 by H911Reiver

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Iiridayn Posted: 21:44:10 14th Dec 2008

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As topic title - if we were to have a reset sometime in the intermediate, future -- what should go? If we clear usernames, we've pretty much done a full reset to a fresh db, as all points & forums go with them, etc -- but then we do have the round statistics, which we might still keep. Another option which I heard Zygi did once was to clear out all ships & planets (and maybe points as well? - SS, wanna help here? ;) ) - so there are different levels of finality about a reset.

Either way, I believe that a reset will be beneficial to us inviting new players into the game, and might be a good thing all around.

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Chaos Posted: 22:07:20 14th Dec 2008

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It would be nice to keep the round statistics, otherwise a full reset sounds good. I think new players would be more likely to join if the game was "fresh". But you would need to make sure that usernames do not get stolen somehow :O

But I wouldn't mind keeping everything except planets and ships too :)

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Iiridayn Posted: 22:18:51 14th Dec 2008

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Good point regarding the usernames. Hmm -- I might want to lock up all usernames with more than 100 posts, and/or more than 100,000 points or something like that. Hmm.

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mythics Posted: 23:55:26 14th Dec 2008

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keep everything except planets and ships. In my opinion if you get rid of those then its the same as a reset. Also, doing that will make the names, stats, and forum posts stay.

Yah, SL is fun.

Grand Admiral Felix Posted: 01:25:48 15th Dec 2008

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I vote full reset except usernames if we do a reset at all.

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Arcanix Posted: 04:03:04 15th Dec 2008

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same, if we keep poitnos and total poitns, there's no point in making a reset, so i oe for full reset locking usernames IF, and only if the players choose to start with the same name.

Pray Posted: 04:14:33 15th Dec 2008

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Iiri, let everything reset.
Make sure to announce not to steal user names.
Keep old round statistics.
Go possibly by IP address to determine if a person has stolen or not.

Then you can change people's user names as needed...
Actually that'd be too much hassle.

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Arcanix Posted: 06:16:42 15th Dec 2008

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there stuff that needs to be fixed that cannot be considered a bug, like buildings (too profitable atm)

I don't weant a reset just so i have to satrt building 49 hws from scratch with x10's production planets.
Also i would suggest that 1st round upgrade be awarded for free and that credit purchuases are only avaiable after the 3 rd round.

And some suggestions, add some arrows of some sort so i can switch faster from ships to ship (i'm not sure how it is coded but if it's too much work because of the SL doesn't allow to index them then probably not worth it).
Setup the new mods for the forums before the reset, and also get rid of the languages ones, pretty useless, also translating SL to different languages was on it's way so if you still have that in mind i can obviously translate to Portuguese.
I would also like to add the space button when you select a planet.

Silent Raven 666 Posted: 06:22:11 15th Dec 2008

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My question is if we have a reset how long till it starts?

Shadow Stalker Posted: 07:37:56 15th Dec 2008

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if there is a full reset id say to lock usernames of players who opt into it maybe througha link in the profile page or something

alsolet us select Wales as a location :) (just thought id put that 1 out there again lol)

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MageofMaddness Posted: 09:56:26 15th Dec 2008

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i think the old point scores should be archived.. some epic battles are in those points...

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