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Emoticon10D Posted: 20:21:39 17th Jun 2006

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BIG BROTHER...not literal...

|,,| <(^.^)> |,,/

Bert2 Posted: 20:22:35 17th Jun 2006

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No, think 1982..... Feebies (F:(B:(I) using search w@rr@nt busting down the door.

Had the same worry for a while when I was younger. My little brother "hung out" with a hacking crowd back when DOS ruled.... Personally I used to build/model portable artillary, 2" breech loading cannons that shot 5lb shells. home made rocket launchers, IED's etc. Man the 4th ruled at our house. It still does but now I have responsibilities and cannot dabbble like I used to, I sadly buy fireworks now :[. The best feeling in the world is to blow the doors off of an old car at 100yrds with your own rocket/sighting system.

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14th Sep

Emoticon10D Posted: 20:23:44 17th Jun 2006

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but I need to do more research. How should the device be put onto the drive...

I have work to do.

|,,| <(^.^)> |,,/

Bert2 Posted: 20:35:10 17th Jun 2006

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The answer is always carefully, you need to crack the shell on you HD and drill a small hole and epoxy a nipple on the the shell, making sure that it will still fit into you comp and not short anything out. Practice on a crap HD, it also depends on how your HD is positioned.... Vertical will require more acid and a more aggressive pump/voulme of liquid, try one of the gel professional stregnth liquid plumbers, or "liquid fire" these generally will eat your pump also.

you can also use micro metal grit blown by perssure into the HD while it is spinning. this will scratch the piss out of the HD and generally make it unreadable. I prefer the acid because it is more sure, but it is also more detailed. :shrug:

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My Brain is hung like a horse :P
14th Sep

Emoticon10D Posted: 20:42:13 17th Jun 2006

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Thx, Bert. I should try that. know you wanna comment...

|,,| <(^.^)> |,,/

Bert2 Posted: 21:11:55 17th Jun 2006

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ANother way my brother reccomends is if you have one of the older oversize towers, you can position your HD well away from the rest of your comp. You build (tack weld) a small frame around your HD and buy 4 "d" rocket engines and epoxy/encase them around your HD, attach a remote trigger to a couple of batteries and you have an instant deadman's switch. This is really involved but he assures me that the brief burst of High temp/pressure will eat your HD alive and sound freaky.

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My Brain is hung like a horse :P
14th Sep

Iiridayn Posted: 02:02:45 18th Jun 2006

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Heh, or just have some thermite mixed and ready to ignite based on some trigger. It can prolly go down through a line of hard drives too, and the melted holes in the middle of the lot will prolly not provide many clues :D. Thermite is pretty simple to make (though it has to be well mixed to ignite), and results in molten iron. Happy stuff :).


Just read the first article linked above. Looks like thermite is out. Okay, looks like what you want is an eletromagnet mounted above the HD, with the switch tied to your control point. :D. Not sure if it would work as well as the "permanant magnet" mentioned though (sounds like an electromagnet to me ;P), and you may have to move the disk through the field to make it work too (changing flux), so maybe mounted at the top of the tower, and turns on and drops at the same time?

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Bert2 Posted: 08:55:14 18th Jun 2006

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Thermite would workif done correctly but it is the devil to set off when you using it homemade. What you have to worry about is that most people will use way too much and it will burn/melt through the HD/floor/ concrete etc until it consumes all of it's fuel/oxidizer. It will also ingite anything that will burn it is not something i would ever set off inside.

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My Brain is hung like a horse :P
14th Sep

Reiver Demon Posted: 12:55:27 18th Jun 2006

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you can easily keep napalm in one spot!
its really sticky, so have it pour onto your hard drive, though if you use napalm, you will want it to have its own coolant system, it ignites at about 100 F

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Bert2 Posted: 13:44:32 18th Jun 2006

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No, your comp puts off as much heat as 2 100 watt light bulbs. having naplam even sealed/self contained would be bad as it is not the most stable and redneck naplam can be put out with a common fire extinguisher. It gets hot but would take a while to reach a temp that would destroy all of the HD with a huge all the time fire risk. not advisible.

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My Brain is hung like a horse :P
14th Sep

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