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Moiare Posted: 03:36:08 27th May 2006

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Maybe a better question would be:

Do women have one more set of ribs then men do because the bible says that God took a rib from Adam and created Eve?

(hey, close that google window) :P

Now another question for the Christian Creationists... Did god create Adam before or after creating all the animals?

Now if you really want to research something, try and understand all the similarities between Sumerian mythology and the stories in the bible, and why they are important. Although I have a feeling skylords is not really the place to discuss religion.

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Hope Posted: 04:10:43 27th May 2006

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Quite Intresting google results on that :P
Recommend that one ;)

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Berserkas Posted: 04:16:05 27th May 2006

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yes it is.. interesting :P
and Moiaare: why not?

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Pray Posted: 04:36:49 27th May 2006

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Iiri, how is that God created the chicken first an overgeneralization.
An overgeneralization is saying all Jews have gold in bags around their necks.
Or all trees are green.

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Hope Posted: 05:27:13 27th May 2006

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No hes saying that not all Christians believe that God created the world such as Genesis :P

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Iiridayn Posted: 05:28:37 27th May 2006

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Saying all that believe in a christian god believe X, was your overgeneralization.

Edit: Very interesting web site Hope. I used to wonder about that as a kid -- good to know that the original quote was correct :).

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Lord of Low Rank Posted: 06:56:57 27th May 2006

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i agree with pray as to what it says in the bible.
i also agree that this is probably not the best place a a debate of this nature.
going along with the evolution idea, i do remember yrs ago seeing something that showed what could have been a dino like version of a was much smaller than the others and had many of the traits our modern day chickens have
but who is to say that the world of the dinosaurs was not the world after the great flood?

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Iiridayn Posted: 07:45:50 27th May 2006

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Prolly those that count the exact number of years the bible quotes since Adam, (with some approximation), and hold strictly to it :shrug:. Me, I also figure 65 million years is a tad long ;).

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TarogStar Posted: 07:54:30 27th May 2006

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I think Iiri needs to be careful or people will generalize or misinterpret what he is saying :P There are some people, even that believe in christianity that may not believe in the literal message that is given in Genesis, i.e. that each day is the same length as the days we have now.
In fact here is an example (not necessarily my beliefs mind you :P)
and some more

I didn't fully read these yet, but I have seen another one where scientists found that light did not exist at the very beginning of time, but as the soup of energy from the creation cooled, it suddenly became possible. This can be seen when looking back in time by looking at something far enough away it's light was created billions of years ago, and there is a marked sudden beginning of the light of stars at a certain time. Basically this is saying that the first verses where God created matter first, and then separated light and dark really is how it was done. Scientists still have no idea how the matter actually got there to begin with, whether the "big bang" theory is correct, but they can agree about the beginning of light because of the evidence. Or maybe they won't :shrug:.

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Iiridayn Posted: 08:28:58 27th May 2006

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"When opponents are willing to change their perspectives (often disguised as beliefs) Truth can emerge." - I like the author already :). My stance on the matter is simple, and TarogStar is right, I should prolly make myself more clear ;P. My stance is: God created the world as Genesis says. But we don't know how. (Yes, he seperated the light from the dark -- how? He created land -- how? He brought forth plant life -- how?) To claim otherwise is to either claim revelation, or that you are smart enough to outthink God. I also believe that he uses natural means (ie. science, even if we don't understand it -- great quote by Arthur C. Clarke: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." ) whenever possible -- maybe always, but again to claim that for certain is to claim knowledge I don't have. Anyway, I see no essential conflict between religion and science -- science proposes theories that may explain the how -- the why God has already made clear (if we'd listen ;) ;P). (And most of us can see the what ;) ).

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