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Flip Side Fury Posted: 22:53:51 13th Apr 2006

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Location: Canada

put simply, an escape :)
diversion is something no one can live without


Iiridayn Posted: 00:25:39 14th Apr 2006

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I do not go to church for any of those reasons. I desire neither something to believe in nor a diversion. However, I know that God does exist, independent of any desire to, due to the evidences I have seen. I go to church because God is there, and I believe I have found his true church. I will readily admit that there are people that go to church for those reasons, but personally I've never been impressed by them.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Match Posted: 03:25:59 14th Apr 2006

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I respect everybody here and everything that have been said here.

Each points that have been posted has a bit of stuff that I agree to. Like some people do goes to church (in my case temple) for their wrong-doings (sins as you would say). Some people do accept and believe in the teachings of those religions.

Personally, I also agree that all religion has the same perspective, but in a slightly different angle. In my past experience, I visited all kinds of different religion "meeting place" (don't know how you put it) such as Christian (churches), Buddhism (temples), Muslim (mosque), and many others as well. In these visits, I never encounter anything as someone said earlier about how they viewed others different from them as "evil". All of them were nice and friendly to me, even when they know I'm not in their religion (as I don't have one yet).

What I found was that all religions (or most), have the same concept on teaching people towards kindness and doing good (positive) things. The bad should be punish, or given a chance to erase their sins by doing something good? (karma). So in conclusion, I don't see any major differences in all kinds of religion.

Well to finish off, the person that started this post asked others about their philosophy right?
What I found interesting and currently attracted to is the philosophy of Sun Tzu (his book on Art of War). Yeah.. it's not based on religion, but it teaches tactics, also a great philosophy book too! High recommended! Bet the Prof would have heard of the book as well? Since he's teaching business?

Anyways, yea... somehow I found it interesting... and also what's best? It's by CHINESE! ;)

Chinese Pride! :D

The Infamous and Defeatable Old Veteran... LoL!

Iiridayn Posted: 05:08:01 14th Apr 2006

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If you like Sun Tzu, you might like Machiavelli (well, I liked them both anyway). But as Dad was telling someone once, you leave "The Art of War" on your desk where everybody can see it. You leave "The Prince" hidden in a drawer. I'd say that Machiavelli is to politics about what Sun Tzu is to war. (Hmm, and if you like Machiavelli, you may like Nietchze's's "superman" concept).

Anyway, personally I suspect that all religions worship the same God. And in any there will always be those fools that make the whole church look bad :P. (Kinda like lawyers: it's the 99% of lawyers that make the rest of them look bad ;) ).

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Match Posted: 06:03:39 14th Apr 2006

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Actually I was recommended to read Machiavelli as well... but never had the time for it yet. Probably later after I finish my final exams... lol :D

Yep, that's what I think so too! All religion worships the same God.. even for those that have large number of gods and goddess (it might be that way because they split the one god's personality into different forms?) Oh well.. this is my personal opinion though... :shrug:

The Infamous and Defeatable Old Veteran... LoL!

kotica Posted: 07:30:15 14th Apr 2006

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I think folks originally went to church to feel right, the joy of being close to God or the source of oneness for those not in the big 3 :D But as flip side said the ego has made men appear insane reflected by their actions resulting in wars, famine et al
tolle says ego is the result of you thinking you are your mind. Meaning you are not your thoughts you are something more. Your mind is just a tool to use to play skylords and that you are more than your mind.
An argument to Descart's I think, therefore I am which is what i used to believe.

You are the here to enable the purpose of the divine universe to unfold - Tolle

oh btw iiridayn, do you know how fast information is doubling? :D

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

I only know what I read on the internet.

Iiridayn Posted: 02:58:32 15th Apr 2006

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I don't care so much about information as I do about knowledge, which could be seen as the rules for generating said information. There could be 80 papers about how red blood cells are constructed, but I don't care about them, once I know how it actually happens. TS Eliot said: "Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?", and one of my professors once commented on data mining, "Where is the information we have lost in data?". I believe that there is merely a countably infinite amount of knowledge, whereas there is an uncountably infinite amount of information. I want to understand everything, not just simply store data about it ;).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

kotica Posted: 09:52:15 15th Apr 2006

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hmm, information not the same as knowledge? well, i suppose its how you are using the word. Thats the problem with words, words are not things or concepts. They are symbols that point to things or to concepts.

I agree there is no need to read 80 papers on a topic, if you 'know' about it. But, to know everything you'll need to be one with god :D On the other hand, one could read 80 papers on a topic and still not 'know' what it is.

Which reminds me of a joke....
What do you get when u cross a computer with a prostitue?

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

I only know what I read on the internet.

Namenlos Posted: 12:05:49 15th Apr 2006

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internet porn sites... :D

anyway, good point Iiri.

If I ain't on:

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.

Flip Side Fury Posted: 13:03:13 15th Apr 2006

Posts: 245

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Location: Canada

if the word is spelt differnt in english, than it has a different indirect meaning


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