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Dios Posted: 06:44:37 9th Apr 2006

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Location: United Kingdom

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Aye that was the idea, sorry if I didn't make it clear:

Each clan has it's own HW to defend in a King of the Hill styling. The coords to this HW are known to Clan Leader and he can (should) divulge them to the rest of the clan at his or her discretion.

This HW can only be found by other clans through probing or nearby, the Clan HWs are not found by the method of the warp. This way the clan HW coords would only be known to a few members of the clan and anyone who wanted to find the planets would be probing for them.

Attacking a HW of this type would give 150% of current points, making them attractive targets for points and should also be loaded with X amount of resources. If the Clan Leader wishes to, he may use his own resources to build turrets onto the Clan HW.

Should a clan lose their HW, they are not given one until the end of the round and may not attack another clan HW (as in a King of the Hill Clan HW, not a player one) for the rest of the round (not sure about this bit?)

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Filas Posted: 07:15:33 9th Apr 2006

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Location: Lithuania

so what the sense of such HWs - just some one who is lucky to find one will be able to get 1,5 times more points than for ordinary HW...
If it was only one planet like 0:0:0 - it would be the real king of the hill. It even can be points for holding this planet and maybe this planet would always have all highest level resource buildings which would never be destroyed, so then middle of the battlezone would be really full of battles as:
1. there would be players who would like to get more points for attacks (for destroying turrets on this planet there should also be given more points). It can be up to 2x more points for any attack on that planet.
2. there would be benefits for keeping the planet - I think it can be given up to 100 points for 1mln of res on that planet. So only 15mln T and E would give 3k pointsd per day, and 15mln of each res would give 10,5k points per day.

The only problem of this idea as also of any other HWs which gives more points ideas is that such HWs would cause no attacks of other HWs as most of power will be used only for such HWs...

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Laurrriz Posted: 11:46:46 9th Apr 2006

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Filas that's a great idea :)

just need to speed up the server and I'm in :D

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mehdec Posted: 11:51:57 9th Apr 2006

Posts: 1152

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Gender: Male

one thing is i dont think it should be a planet that is given. the clan finds a planet and builds the hw themselves.


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Iiridayn Posted: 00:01:58 10th Apr 2006

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Filas, personally I like that thought of awarding points only for res on the King of the Hill planet. Also, I could prolly throw in something that leaves the buildings after a capture. Hmm. It gives a decent incentive to actually own the planet, in King of the Hill style (and if you want points faster, to put non-def resources on it... Which makes it nicer to capture even).

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Sniper666 Posted: 19:47:24 10th Apr 2006

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now that is good, or even perhaps, autonmatic lvl 4 buildings and a lvl 20 planet so that is like 10 extra points, full shield, points for resources. hell now that would be fun.

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MageofMaddness Posted: 13:02:23 11th Apr 2006

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So point for holding... Clan points that is..... no addint %points for attacking or other HWs wouldnt get attacked... standard lvl 4 buildings.... Good enough Idea... personal points for attacking.... only clan points for holding..... should cause some clan spirit to awaken within clans..... Yeah sounds like a good idea....


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Iiridayn Posted: 03:14:31 12th Apr 2006

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MoM: Clan points = the sum of all the personal points in the clan. And atm I'd rather not deviate from that, until I can get that number to actually be accurate ;P. Otherwise the extra points would just be wiped out when I recalculate the clan points.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

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