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Iiridayn Posted: 04:23:20 25th Feb 2006

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MoM: That was January's change. And please don't shout ;P.

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Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

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Frost Monarch Posted: 07:01:39 25th Feb 2006

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WoW, I am itching to get back active in march, then we will have ourselves a little something. ;). As for the changes prof, just make the change now, noone is gonna complain about it because everyone is complaining against it and this is nt a change it is more of a "fixing."

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14:24:50 | Vigilante planet Rouge II has been captured by Frost Monarch, IDG Elite Force.
14:24:50 | Vigilante has been defeated by Frost Monarch.
23:15:26 | nineyII planet RememberTheP

Hope Posted: 07:25:47 25th Feb 2006

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My little advertising rant :P

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MageofMaddness Posted: 19:15:57 25th Feb 2006

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Wasnt shouting just posting in Caps Lock.. :P.........


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Professor Posted: 00:20:53 28th Feb 2006

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Posting in Caps Lock is shouting online. It is how people shout in online contexts, and is generally considered rude behavior.

As for changes being made, yes, we will always fix errors whenever we find them. If they are software errors, application design errors, or user interface errors, we will fix them ASAP.

As for market maximum prices, they will be gone at the end of this round. In the meantime, people have some advance warning and have the option to stock up on resources if they want them, and if you want to sell at higher than market prices, then hold on to the resources (earning nice interest on them) for one month longer, and you can then sell at any price the market will be willing to pay for your resources.

If even one person objects to a change which is not a software error or specification error fix, then I choose to wait until April as I said I would do so, and I try to keep my commitments.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Rukna Baisioji Akis Posted: 03:20:31 28th Feb 2006

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So tell me what kind of error was SPC detections in the news?

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Professor Posted: 10:52:34 28th Feb 2006

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It was part of trying to speed up the game. Spamming in news or forums is slowing down server. We still need to clean up forums more, but news was part of problem according to Iiridayn.

However, you do make a good point on that issue, as it was a change in the game. Had not thought about that one as being a significant change. It was simply elimination of non-value-added noise.

Capturing of SP confed planets was not eliminated from news. Only probing, as we were getting pages of probing and the news spamming was slowing down server.

However, the forums are the largest impact on server performance in the game right now. Clan and other forums.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Lakamar Sinji Posted: 12:11:57 28th Feb 2006

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I would vote for items that speed up game play in April.....

and did anyone a year ago very think Silicon would be worth more than Energy/Troops?

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MinderBinder Posted: 13:32:34 28th Feb 2006

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haha no I came back from stopping a year ago and my rxn was wtf?

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Zerohours Posted: 14:14:50 28th Feb 2006

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i think unlimited silicon should be removed it would but things back up to values....

and make game more based on other anyone with anuff re to get a 167mil hw can have 167turrets but if they have to make or somone has to make the silicon ti will slow this as well as making expensive production planets....

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

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