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Reiver Demon Posted: 20:21:42 13th Jan 2006

Posts: 600

Topics: 15

Gender: Male

im cool, and have a few secret naps with old friends, i just get frustrated by noobs, some vets do, others dont

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Iiridayn Posted: 21:17:03 13th Jan 2006

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MoM: apparently the integrated forums are something of a differentiator for the game. (And on the attribute map, the slow speed is a dissatisfier, hence the PHP accelerator I finally got installed. We'll see if it works :) ).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Infernal Shadow Posted: 03:42:52 14th Jan 2006

Posts: 2410

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Gender: Male

MoM its not to stop getting defeated just to let people know u are actually playing :P its like if i didnt post ud think i wasnt playing and theres a few players who will avoid defeating an active player

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MageofMaddness Posted: 19:46:59 14th Jan 2006

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well if you had a ton of points or at least 3000 or more that mean youre either active or sitting on a nice HW.... which means youre were either Really active at some points or are active at the mo...

so Posting to show youre active is kinda nonsense...... posting just prooves you know where the forumns are and like to chat lol......

as for avoiding defeating an active player..... thats iof youre trying to build up. not trying to attract attention..... or just a wuss whos scared of the possible repercussions.... :D....... and though Im doing both number one and two.... I'd still try and defeat an active player..... cuz thats what makes the game fun..... it being a challene.....


Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

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Iiridayn Posted: 20:44:40 14th Jan 2006

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Hardly a challange to defeat someone that doesn't understand the game yet ;P. Wait until we're training them properly with the new player missions; then you'll have more of a challange.

SkyLords Head Programmer

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MageofMaddness Posted: 20:47:47 14th Jan 2006

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no no.... Irir the challenge isnt in defeating the new player,. Its surviving and counter attacking when the snr vets of his clan or snr clan start hinting you......
:D...... or dont they do that anymore?......


Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

SI For Life....

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Yeah keep it in the family....

AIM MageofMaddness
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andy1218 Posted: 20:48:46 14th Jan 2006

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Iiridayn Posted: 20:52:10 14th Jan 2006

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Gender: Male

There're easier ways to tick them off. Ask Neggy for advice :D.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

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MageofMaddness Posted: 21:40:22 14th Jan 2006

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We Have 50% of the same genes. (our moms were twins)..... Id know a bit about that.... just ask around about my reign as GS..... :D :D.....


Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

SI For Life....

Proud USC member.....
Yeah keep it in the family....

AIM MageofMaddness
Yahoo '' ''

ICQ 309-502-911

General Stonewall Posted: 23:18:40 14th Jan 2006

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Location: Costa Rica

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-People in the dark cause accidents, accidents in the dark cause people.

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-Eternal Light"Ill get training them now your highness"

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