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Negotiator | Posted: 16:02:43 8th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 2084 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
yeah cleared the air
YouSmellLikeDoddie | Posted: 17:31:00 8th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 167 Topics: 25 Location: United States Gender: Male ISP: AOL |
hmm, just so u know i didnt even read any of these posts. but eh, all i have to say is, if you want to vote for kerry you should be stabbed in the head with a saudering iron. and all you anti war protestors should get it through your dumbass heads that it took WAR to get you the right to even be able to fucking protest, if it werent for WAR youd still be up the ass of a " king" or some other dictator and youd get put to death for talking shit about your president. WAR is the reason you have your rights, so grow the fuck up and realize that its not as bad as it seems, lord forbid this generation have to do anything to keep the rights we have and defend our beleifs in other places, oh no we dont want to do anything, we just want to bitch at the president for not doing it for us. LAZY BASTARDS. if you dont like war move the fuck to a country where they let everyone walk all over them just so they can say " we are peaceful". i swear there is too much ignorance in the world.
creim | Posted: 17:45:52 8th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 637 Topics: 42 Location: United States Gender: Male |
erectiledisfunction | Posted: 17:59:15 8th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 710 Topics: 52 Location: United States Gender: Male |
YSLD america is free because it went through war yes your right... if you think i shouldnt protest this war because war was what made me free then i think you should shoot yourself in the head while standing with your back to a cliff so you would fall off the cliff just to make sure you were dead... if thats what you think then where not much of a free country are we.. if we can be lied to by the president and you fucks with the blind faith in the texan trash president say we cant protest it then i would say those wars were pointless... so fuck your ass off and you didnt change my fucking mind and you didnt change anyone elses mind so quit with the pointless posts grrr.... so the iraqi war was so we could keep our rights? hmm that is pretty strange.... cause there are a lot more threats to our rights right here in our country than there is in iraq like stupid ass presidents like bush and you fucking FOX news hypnotized Bush followers with you blind faith in the president.... oh no we cant question what he says cause hes the president how could you question what your governments doing you should get out of the country....
YouSmellLikeDoddie | Posted: 18:11:48 8th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 167 Topics: 25 Location: United States Gender: Male ISP: AOL |
*yawn* the same people who protest war are the ones who pushed and pushed for animal rights, u can spend more time in prison for killing a dog than you can for killing a human ( in some cases) all because its " inhumane" we can go out of our way to protect a rabid mut but we cant tdo anything to try and help a country in need ( whether they realize they need help or not) all because you dont think " its not my problem" . i suposed we should have let hitler keep the ther half of the world because it " wasnt our problem" ( lets not do anything unless its gona ffect me if we dont" people are so fucking greedy. " i dont care so long as saddam isnt telling me what to do" lets jsut all live happy and let the world over populate and kill it off with polution. lets live high and mighty and leave everyone else to starve and live liek fucking animals because " its not our problem". " why should MY son have to go and fight for THEM" i guaran damn tee if YOUR son walked into a store and got blown up by some dumbass with a bomb strapped to their chest the first damn thing you would do is call for help. and i hope when that day comes whoever you ask says " well its not my problem"
creim | Posted: 18:36:05 8th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 637 Topics: 42 Location: United States Gender: Male |
I think there is no point in continuing this argument because every time someone makes a statement the person countering him greatly exagerates what he said.
erectiledisfunction | Posted: 19:23:01 8th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 710 Topics: 52 Location: United States Gender: Male |
what i dont get YSLD is how you can tell me that they dont know that they need help how the fuck would you know... you dont know how life was for them before bush dropped the bombs on bahgdad... and what the hell does animal rights have to do with iraq, ill tell you... NOTHING... and what does hitler hae to do with iraq... i bet you i can tell you again.... NOTHING... if my son got killed by a terrorist i wouldnt go after someone who had nothing to do with it.... cause that wouldnt make sense... and neither does this war..
Negotiator | Posted: 21:44:23 8th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 2084 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
YouSmellLikeDoddie | Posted: 01:00:00 9th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 167 Topics: 25 Location: United States Gender: Male ISP: AOL |
u know nothing do you, when you grow up undr a dictator ship you are taught what the leader wants you to beleive, not what is true, iraqis are taught that america is evil, all out luxury and cars and houses and money is evil, and that we are all going to hell, and they have to live like animals and worship the dictator in order to be good. THATS how they dont know they need help, when u have millions of people with no earthly idea about the real world, onyl what their leader tells them, seriously look at them, the same dumbasses scheering and jumping on the tsatue and saying YAY YAY YAY YAY when we tore it down are the same fuckers that woke up the next day & decided to shoot the same soldier they were hugging the day before, and you dont think they need help, you think we should just leave them to live in rags to bathe in fucking creeks and never make any money, if you had to live like them and youa ctually realized what you could have if you lived under a democracy, youre telling me you wouldnt want someone to come and get rid of a dictator, if Bush was adictator and barely gave you enough food to surive, andan education for your children that only teaches them to hate, you wouldnt want someone to oust him from power? no but you are sick of him because he does what the majority of the nation is right. " lets not get rid of the dictator that starves his people but lets get rid of bush because hes man enough to take action against a murderer"
erectiledisfunction | Posted: 18:45:42 27th Aug 2004 |
Posts: 710 Topics: 52 Location: United States Gender: Male |
ok just a fact.... i found out that the bunker busters are nukes.... they can instantly kill people within a one mile radious.