Topic Title: Skins (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Vicandius

Topic started: 12:21:23 26th Oct 2021

Posts: 5 Last post: 19:35:18 28th Oct 2021 by H911Reiver

Vicandius Posted: 12:21:23 26th Oct 2021

Posts: 67

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Location: Albania

One of the aspects of this game, there is no customization beyond ship/planet names. I know in other games you have various skins for characters/weapons/etc. Perhaps could create different designs for the ships or planets that players could purchase or use credits on. Figure it is a way to bring in some money/make it a little more customizable.

Tiernan19 Posted: 12:22:41 26th Oct 2021

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i like it

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Iiridayn Donator Posted: 02:10:18 27th Oct 2021

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I'm not opposed to this if they are only visible to the player who purchased them; however, that could also be achieved with a simple user stylesheet in tampermonkey or the like currently.

I don't especially want to spend the time to build a skin marketplace when I already have so many other things on my plate.

I feel it is important that skins not change the ability of players to quickly scan the space page for information and threats - thus, skins would need to be somewhat more like SC2 skins than a purely open market.

I am strongly in favor of doing a general graphics refresh of the game, however. If any players can come up with a new set of ship designs the community loves, it would be easy for me to swap those out. I feel it is important to have a working IFF, but that could be handled by cell border color or something if color bands on the ships aren't feasible.

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H911Reiver Posted: 20:22:39 27th Oct 2021

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Speaking of IFF, would it be possible to have SPC, player/alien, and allied player's be separate colors instead of all being red?

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Iiridayn Donator Posted: 00:04:03 28th Oct 2021

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Yes - especially the allies bit. It's pending fixing the code so that I can get the queries all into one location, and don't have to chase references around a dozen different files, but it's high on my priority list :).

SkyLords Head Programmer

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H911Reiver Posted: 19:35:18 28th Oct 2021

Posts: 1939

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Location: United States

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Nice :)

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