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Volciok Posted: 08:07:53 3rd Nov 2017

Posts: 49

Topics: 10

Location: Russian Federation

more when 5000 planets can't be in the space.
always hunt sp planets, this is not this game strategy.

beter if a planet spwans will be closed forever!!!

SIGTERM Posted: 21:40:28 6th Dec 2017

Posts: 63

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Gender: Male

10.7k left.

I've escaped the narcissists gaslighting campaign.

Volciok Posted: 14:19:08 7th Dec 2017

Posts: 49

Topics: 10

Location: Russian Federation

it's good, now, probing come back to the game :) and gold come up in price in the market

Gold Rush Posted: 10:51:57 10th Dec 2017

Posts: 2966

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

I agree with Volciok. No planet spawns until we lower the limit some more. maybe 6-8k planets and not do the spawns as often?

Farming SPC is part of the game, and it helps new players as well. I personally am not a fan of having to clear neabys but it has always been a part of the game.

A True Underdog


watupdogg Posted: 21:16:48 30th Dec 2017

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Location: Portugal

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Have drops stopped?

Cajin Von Sian III Posted: 21:27:32 30th Dec 2017

Posts: 66

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Location: Angola

Gender: Male

Haven't been drops since the newb explosion, but hopefully start them up again sometime now that numbers are pretty manageable

watupdogg Posted: 21:38:25 30th Dec 2017

Posts: 2391

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Location: Portugal

Gender: Male

Lower count is nice imo.. Crazy amount of x20 I notice

Cajin Von Sian III Posted: 21:43:46 30th Dec 2017

Posts: 66

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Location: Angola

Gender: Male

Yeah, most of what out there is 20x right now, which has been nice for slowly building up the experience, lot nicer than bunch of 15-18x

Okwaho Posted: 17:48:06 2nd Jan 2018

Posts: 35

Topics: 21

There are drops taking place!
Got a 11 today.

Gold Rush Posted: 04:35:10 3rd Jan 2018

Posts: 2966

Topics: 382

Location: United States

Gender: Male

Are you sure it wasn't from a new player? Iir hasnt mentioned turning drops back on and I hope he doesn't just yet! At least give us until February :D

A True Underdog


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