Topic Title: Round 120 (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: Iiridayn
Topic started: 13:18:30 10th Jan 2015
Posts: 13 Last post: 15:45:26 7th Jun 2015 by Alpha Code
Iiridayn | Posted: 13:18:30 10th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Since 3 Jan 2015 I've been working more or less full time on the SkyLords codebase. Right now I am building a foundation - rewriting every single page to support modern best practices (MVC). Once I finish, I estimate around the end of this month or early next month, I will be in a position where I can _finally_ start making changes. Please don't suggest any immediately - I need to stay focused on what I'm doing right now - but be aware that changes will be possible soon.
Iiridayn | Posted: 13:23:55 10th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
I'll post a couple to get started. Mine have no priority, but these are some visible things which I'd like to see sometime.
watupdogg | Posted: 13:28:52 10th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 2391 Topics: 346 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
1)In game virtual map with planets and saved coords and saved ships (stolen from el) |
C | Posted: 15:24:36 10th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 28 Topics: 2 Location: United States |
We should also start thinking of a way of bringing new people into the game. I stream to a decent size audience but this isn't a game you can stream because of ship and planet coordinates.
Arcanix | Posted: 16:36:37 11th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 2036 Topics: 129 Location: Portugal Gender: Male |
Very nice iiri! i would rather you finish the rewrite than have a special event but i'm not that active anyway.
TarogStar | Posted: 22:31:21 12th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 372 Topics: 24 Location: United States Gender: Male |
3D view - you can see planets and ships several levels above/below in different sizes/colors/transparency This would make dogfights a bit more interesting I think as you can't disappear as quickly. Shouldn't be terribly hard to implement, I can help if needed, I love MVC design
TarogStar | Posted: 22:39:30 12th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 372 Topics: 24 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Another idea: a building that allows you to move a planet for huge cost, enough that it matches the value of hiding a homeworld in a new location. Could possibly be random and have a high probability of ending up near another planet, or allow you to move something like 100 spaces in a direction, but only once a month.
TarogStar | Posted: 22:44:50 12th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 372 Topics: 24 Location: United States Gender: Male |
watupdogg - I made a flash based 3d star map once, the coordinates of known planets could be put in and people could see a cool looking (if possibly otherwise useless) rotatable map of their planets, might be able to find the code on my computer.
EL | Posted: 05:05:31 13th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 1705 Topics: 182 Location: United Kingdom Gender: Male |
I like the idea of the addition of a astrometrics element added to the game which could also tie in with probing and if light. Would be cool to be able to see planets visited , plotted from being found through warp and probing, spying, hyper jumping to locations. Suppose a real on board computer as well. |
Iiridayn | Posted: 08:37:45 13th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
TarogStar: good to see you
TarogStar | Posted: 13:30:40 19th Jan 2015 |
Posts: 372 Topics: 24 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Iiri, those are some good suggestions, maybe putting the grid locations in the alt text of the images would help (like: "Planet offset 3 left and 0 from center"