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Silent Slick Posted: 15:51:03 6th May 2010

Posts: 283

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Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

Ship names for me are just SS n the what ever the ships is

Otto Carius Posted: 20:29:55 6th May 2010

Posts: 99

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Location: Indonesia

Gender: Male

I know about Hercules (C-130) very well, because my home was not far from airbase where two heavy transport squadron stay. :)

Salam Satu Nyali, WANI!

Dyingbreath Posted: 21:51:29 6th May 2010

Posts: 62

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Location: Saint Kitts-Nevis

Gender: Male

hehe, well one thing about the ODST's is that they normally train under heavy gravity conditions, on space stations modified gyms were the gravity in a certain part is increased to 4 times earth gravity, and they work out in that :P

When the lamb opened the fourth seal, i heard the voice of the fourth living creature say,"Come!!" i looked and there before me was a pale horse!!! Its rider was named Death and hades followed close behind.

Otto Carius Posted: 04:22:34 7th May 2010

Posts: 99

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Location: Indonesia

Gender: Male

A new information for me. I never known before. :]

Salam Satu Nyali, WANI!

Silent Slick Posted: 16:07:06 7th May 2010

Posts: 283

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Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

lol is it in a galaxy far far away?? :D

Dyingbreath Posted: 18:47:22 7th May 2010

Posts: 62

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Location: Saint Kitts-Nevis

Gender: Male

yeaht hteres accualy a part in a book were master chief beats like 4 of them up when they realise hes a spartan out of his armor they try to gang up on him

When the lamb opened the fourth seal, i heard the voice of the fourth living creature say,"Come!!" i looked and there before me was a pale horse!!! Its rider was named Death and hades followed close behind.

blazecon0 Posted: 23:11:23 19th May 2010

Posts: 144

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Location: United States

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i named a ship after my girlfriend :P we broke up so now i use it 4 suicide missions. but it just wont die!!

knowing is half the battle, violence is the other half.

Otto Carius Posted: 20:39:32 20th May 2010

Posts: 99

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Location: Indonesia

Gender: Male

what a sad story blazecon0 :P

Salam Satu Nyali, WANI!

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