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MBIK Posted: 08:15:15 11th Nov 2009

Posts: 1832

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

zyx, when you speak about tenses you should remember things like dalyviai, padalyviai, pusdalyviai, būdiniai and some more – there are no such verb forms in English language, but they use their tenses to express the meanings of some of them. And then, dalyviai also have tenses... If I remember correctly, there are more than 200 forms of every Lithuanian verb.

Sorry for not keeping on topic.

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NightCross Posted: 12:58:44 11th Nov 2009

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What do you mean by "forms"? and do you mean 200 of them for every word?

For every light, There is a shadow.
For without light, Darkness cant exist.

MBIK Posted: 00:58:02 12th Nov 2009

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

For every verb. And every noun has about 80 forms. By "forms" a mean that in English a single verb has something like 5 forms: go, went, gone, goes, going...?, although you use helping words to use it in different tenses, passive, etc. And for the word meaning "go" in Lithuanian there are eiti, einu, eini, eina, einame, einate, ėjau, ėjai, ėjo, ėjome, ėjote, eisiu, eisi, eis, eisime, eisite, eičiau, eitum, eitų, eitume, eitumėte, eidamas, eidama, eite, einant, einąs, ėjęs, eisiąs, ...

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Gold Rush Posted: 12:14:59 12th Nov 2009

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screw that lol have fun MBIK :D

A True Underdog


Dyingbreath Posted: 23:20:18 9th May 2010

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Location: Saint Kitts-Nevis

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interesting, it seems like lithuanians "go" alot , thats hwy you rarly see them in one place


When the lamb opened the fourth seal, i heard the voice of the fourth living creature say,"Come!!" i looked and there before me was a pale horse!!! Its rider was named Death and hades followed close behind.

DarkViper Posted: 21:05:48 5th Aug 2010

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Has it been suggested yet to display the name of the ship that caps a planet?
Might not be that big a deal for the smaller ones, but in the case of a Homeworld, it'd be pretty kool to see the name of the ship that finally cracked it displayed. :P

Slavish devotion to rules is a sign one has nothing better to do with his time.
-God of OverKill.
-Servant of Oblivion,
-Assassin of the Swarm.

MBIK Posted: 03:08:26 2nd May 2012

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

Dyingbreath, any verb has that many forms, so we do not only "go" a lot :)

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Exemplary Strategy Posted: 09:12:33 2nd May 2012

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You do everything a lot?

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

Loyal as any dog.

MBIK Posted: 13:50:18 2nd May 2012

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According to Dyingbreath's logic, we probably should.

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Kilel Posted: 14:11:15 13th Sep 2012

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Yay necropost, though I believe it is well deserved :P

Alright. Here's my suggestion. SL was fun back in the day. There were lots of people and lots of planets. I'm sure everyone wants that back. Why not begin spreading the word that the game is back in action and... whoever is doing the programming now... maybe force drop a couple of planets huh? Before we used to have like... 10k+ planets. Now we have <7k.

By spreading the word I mean telling still-away vets that SL is back up and trying to get new people to join up. I've suggested advertising in the past. Whatever you guys think will work.

Look so edgey

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