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NightCross Posted: 12:47:03 9th Jul 2009

Posts: 485

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Location: United States

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Ir taip ... AÅ¡ ummm.... kidding??? AÅ¡ galiu kalbÄ—ti kalba per daug. Tiesiog ne taip gerai...

For every light, There is a shadow.
For without light, Darkness cant exist.

AGUX 2 Posted: 14:41:38 9th Jul 2009

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:D very funny

LTC forever

Pray Posted: 18:47:00 9th Jul 2009

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:[ translate please?

A storm is coming, a storm is coming in..

20:48:19 | Professor planet 0 from paladin
20:20:21 | Arcanix planet 14 Arcanix 01

Diplomacy & Trading Forum Moderator.

Shadow Stalker Posted: 19:10:47 9th Jul 2009

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hmm i think i should really use my roll as moderator to clean this topic up a bit :S but will do in the morning its 2am now and im tired

It's allways been my fault

NightCross Posted: 21:11:35 9th Jul 2009

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Gender: Male

Jokių rūpesčių Pray... Jūs Užstrigti anksčiau ar vėliau.:P
Dešiniuoju vaikinai?

( Tai labai smagu kalbėti apie žmones iš įvairių kalbų. Tai užtrunka juos taip ilgai madingesiu. Kaip ir kada aš sakydamas "Pray" į anglų ... He thinks Im talking about him):shh:


For every light, There is a shadow.
For without light, Darkness cant exist.

Rukna Baisioji Akis Posted: 10:43:49 10th Jul 2009

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I especially love "Dešiniuoju vaikinai" :D

I will defeat you. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting.

NightCross Posted: 11:15:50 10th Jul 2009

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Gender: Male

lol. NO WAY!!!

Nesu tokio tipo žmogus... bet aš ne teisėjas Bro:D Tiesiog, kol nėra Flirtavimas su manimi:P

For every light, There is a shadow.
For without light, Darkness cant exist.

zyx Posted: 12:27:03 10th Jul 2009

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Dešiniuoju vaikinai - right guys
Kairiuoju vaikinai - left guys

We just have two different words to describe right as side (dešinė) and right as correct (teisingai) but translation program don't realize which meaning to choose.

NightCross Posted: 12:28:10 10th Jul 2009

Posts: 485

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

My bad bro... Sorry:out:

For every light, There is a shadow.
For without light, Darkness cant exist.

zyx Posted: 12:32:30 10th Jul 2009

Posts: 1975

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

When you write in english NC i understand you better.

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