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Pray Posted: 18:02:03 11th Dec 2006

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No no no, if you watched An Inconvienient Truth, you would understand. Al Gore plays a small cartoon about it.

But Al Gore is god, and whatever he says, we must follow?

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RioGrande Posted: 18:29:40 11th Dec 2006

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i never said that humans cause global warming, but they contribute to it through polution
and no al gore is not god lol

the only point to this topic is that you guys should watch this movie and see what you think, not get all mad at me about it lol

13:36:34 | ratas planet Shompanas has been captured by RioGrande, Elites In Da Galaxy.
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Pray Posted: 20:41:52 11th Dec 2006

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I am not, I am just a strong debator, and want to start a debate on this.

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Lasnafu Posted: 00:41:47 12th Dec 2006

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I have seen the movie and I like it because it does appeal to the masses. The only probelm with it, and the whole climate change thing is that it is all based on data that is currently impossibleto interpret.

As to Pray's comment that global warming is not being caused by humans...well I would argue it is likely that we ARE having an impact. That said I do not think we are clear where on the whole how much of the warming is us and how much is natural. I suspect it is a little of the former and more of the latter. As has been mentioned earlier, in general pollution is bad and should be stopped. Actually that is of course one of the GOOD things about the media's and everyones bandwagoning on the climate change issues, it is getting societies to look at how they pollute.

Funnily enough when we talk of global warming we usually talk about the negative impacts, there are quite a few regions that would actually be better off (by human standards) from changes in climate! It is really a game of winners and losers.

The reason the impact is being hyped as so large is because over the last 200yrs humans have settled and built cities in the "nice" bits...well if climate changes it is likley the nice bits get less nice and the previous "icky" bits get nice! Related to this is why hurricane damage is seemingly getting worse, WAY more people live by the coasts nowadays then 50 yrs ago, therefor more people are affected by hurricanes!

One further thought. Even Al Gore acknowledges the the earth is going to warm regardless of what we do at this point (according to trends and global warming theory) and people and animals are going to suffer. Well then, shouldn't we be pumping some of the billions we are spending on anti-climate change advertising into programs to mitigate or reduce the harm that is going to occour? Say by insuring areas where glaciers are soon to be gone (many in the Andes) which were the primary water resoucres for towns, have alternate water sources set up???



Pray Posted: 18:43:07 12th Dec 2006

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Yes Lasnafu, some places will benefit greatly.
Take a look at deserted, cold, Siberia.
Too cold for farming.
Earth heats up.
BANG. We have a very large landmass to grow MANY crops in, and form cities in.

The Earth is going to warm, even if we did remove all of the CO2 in it.
If you want a real case of global warming, look at our sister planet, Venus.

Also, I am not so sure that this may be true but it makes sense:

More heat = Less glaciers = More water = More hydroelectric plants
More heat = More solar energy
More heat = Higher water temperatures = Higher pressure areas = More wind = More Wind Energy

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Shadow Stalker Posted: 18:55:51 12th Dec 2006

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yeah ur also neglecting the fact that more water is a bad thing for some people :P

It's allways been my fault

RioGrande Posted: 19:26:49 12th Dec 2006

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it also causes more deaths, many more deaths
thats the point of the movie anywayz...

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Lasnafu Posted: 03:47:47 13th Dec 2006

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"Also, I am not so sure that this may be true but it makes sense:

More heat = Less glaciers = More water = More hydroelectric plants
More heat = More solar energy
More heat = Higher water temperatures = Higher pressure areas = More wind = More Wind Energy"

Sadly no.

water is pretty much a fixed assest all the happens is it gets moved around, warming will not create more rivers and rivers (and watersheds) are neede dfor hydroelectric power

Heat and solar energy are related but not the same thing, solar power requires solar energy and that is farily constant (which is a good thing, models suggest very small fluctuations in solar output would either cook or freez the earth fast...we are in a very lucky position)

wind is about relative pressure, a very low pressure near a very high pressure would creat lots of wind, a warmer earth will not necessarily creat this situation.

Sorry Pray. Also I would be careful about denying global warming is man made, many people will think you are nuts and not listen to your further arguements, better to say it is not the whole picture of global warming.

As I said earlier, yep ANY climate change, warmer or cooler is bad for society, again we have chosen to live in places that work for us...change the conditions and you get suffereing.

Look at Eurpoe, they are not use to cold weather people die all over France if a winter chill of -5C hits the country. This is laughable to us Canadians but if you are no used to it, not prepared, -3 to -5C will kill you, while the average winter lows are only 0 to 5C, it doesn't seem like much of a drop...but people still die.

Castilias Posted: 17:51:14 13th Dec 2006

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lol Tweaker Pray isn't smart he just happens to be studying it at school (at least i assume it)

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Pray Posted: 17:55:59 13th Dec 2006

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Mm, I understand that. But it is DEFINATELY NOT completely manmade. Human Emissions account for about .028% of it. 95% of that .028% is CO2.

You cannot remove the water vapor in the air, that accounts for the rest of it, but you can remove the CO2, or at least cutback on it.

This is why everybody pinpoints the CO2, not the water vapor.

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20:48:19 | Professor planet 0 from paladin
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