interiority | Posted: 02:35:24 8th Aug 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
2 things. firstly you cant just make stuff up and then use that to justify your argument.
Bert2 | Posted: 09:09:13 8th Aug 2006 |
Posts: 2477 Topics: 101 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Sorry I would have to disagree. There is a clear difference in attacking armed groups hiding in the general population and having civilian casualties while doing this and specifically attacking civilian populations on purpose. If it was the armies goal to kill all of the civilians that they could, we would not have the problems that we have now as all of the fighters and civilians would be dead, bombed from above by mass old fashioned airstrikes until survival and food became more important than attacking us. any that tried to escape from the death traps could be shot as they fled the cities. We only need what is under the land not the people on top. The Army is not going after the people only the fighters.
Rhyfelwr | Posted: 13:25:47 8th Aug 2006 |
Posts: 144 Topics: 23 Location: Norway Gender: Female |
interiority | Posted: 16:17:48 8th Aug 2006 |
Posts: 1238 Topics: 152 Location: Ireland Gender: Male |
you may have a point bert, but i was simply trying to show how rediculous SuperSmithie09's definition of terrorism is. however must just point out a few things
Eragon ShadeSlayre | Posted: 19:27:16 8th Aug 2006 |
Posts: 778 Topics: 42 Location: United States |
oh no....i think its comming.....i cant say it no i wont....LOL....i just might
Bert2 | Posted: 22:54:46 8th Aug 2006 |
Posts: 2477 Topics: 101 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Yes terrorist want to shock society into their control. Do what I want or I'll kill you is usually effective....
MageofMaddness | Posted: 15:56:43 21st Aug 2006 |
Posts: 1610 Topics: 121 Location: United States Gender: Male |
this is what we have come too, defining words. This is what the Romans did before the barbarians wiped them out. We are defining Terrorism and Terroriss like they care. Any person who uses Terror and kills civilians and hides behinds civilians and kills themselves intentionally to kill other people is a terrorist. Hezbollah's group is a terrorsit group, because if it wasnt then there would not be all this controversy about whether Israel wa in the right from defending itself from another nations ARMY. But it is not an army!!!! THAT is the problem. We are disputing whether Israel has the right toblame a nation for harboring terrorost and initiate war against it. Lets keep on target here and stop debating is hezbollah is a terrorist or not the answer is obvious.
Rhyfelwr | Posted: 16:57:20 21st Aug 2006 |
Posts: 144 Topics: 23 Location: Norway Gender: Female |
The koran doesn't say all infidels must die
kiesha | Posted: 17:01:57 21st Aug 2006 |
Posts: 3912 Topics: 125 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
there wouldnt be problems if everyone pray Zygi
MageofMaddness | Posted: 17:03:29 21st Aug 2006 |
Posts: 1610 Topics: 121 Location: United States Gender: Male |
um yes you can.Since Israel was not a country until '48. People associated the group of people and the religion together. Well one of my great grandparent wasfrom Ethiopia, the black Jews. and one from Ireland a white jew. So yup I can say so.