Topic Title: Help Please. (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: Pray
Topic started: 06:54:56 17th Jun 2006
Posts: 11 Last post: 23:05:58 18th Jun 2006 by paladinbarry
Pray | Posted: 06:54:56 17th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 2255 Topics: 147 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Okay, I have my transport, "OMG ITS HUGE", it's a 2.5m Tranny max Def, and max Attack. So, I try to dock it on my HW, and it says "Failed to dock on nearby planet, you have to be close to the planet to dock on it" or something close to that. And I check my ships and it says that mjy ship is located somewhere else in space. I Send it to my HW, i mive it a space away and see my HW and the sun and I hit dock, and the same thing happens.
GholaBashar | Posted: 07:05:22 17th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 1246 Topics: 68 Location: Romania |
so you can;t dock evethough you;re right on the planet?
Pray | Posted: 07:07:30 17th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 2255 Topics: 147 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Yes sorta.
GholaBashar | Posted: 07:10:09 17th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 1246 Topics: 68 Location: Romania |
Emoticon10D | Posted: 07:25:39 17th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 633 Topics: 68 Gender: Male |
Try to dock on another planet
superguy | Posted: 09:54:39 17th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 2410 Topics: 60 Location: Germany Gender: Male |
give it to me and i'll see if it works or you could blow it up
Emoticon10D | Posted: 14:32:46 17th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 633 Topics: 68 Gender: Male |
or sell it and make another
Iiridayn | Posted: 01:38:58 18th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Could you PM me details please? Planet/ship id, coords of planet, coords of ship after try to access planet (as they are different?), etc? I scanned the code, but didn't see anything that could cause a ship to be displaced -- can't find these things without more information. ("So, like, I did this thing, with that program, but like, it didn't work. So how do I fix it?" . Bane of Tech support everywhere ).
paladinbarry | Posted: 22:01:02 18th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 758 Topics: 81 Location: United States Gender: Male ISP: Pacific Bell |
nah its not the bane of tech support every where..we have a universal answer to that "so dont do that sir"
Iiridayn | Posted: 22:24:43 18th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Lol. Okay, those of us that do it free for friends and family members, as we don't have that option as readily available . Though I have heard a several people saying that they've started charging $0.50, and they now get bothered a lot less .
digiat | Posted: 23:05:35 18th Jun 2006 |
Posts: 1249 Topics: 110 Location: Austria Gender: Female |
maybe other browser ? IE7 by any chance ???