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Iiridayn Posted: 21:51:38 14th Jun 2006

Posts: 1645

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Location: United States

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Just spent several minutes thinking about it, and I know what I did wrong ;P. That extra is the result of interest on a full 16,777,215 of any resource. While I limit gathering, I just add in interest, and was having the db cut it off. However, I now pass back the result of the resource update function, to speed things up and provide real-time results, and so I need to actually care about what interest is doing ;P. Should be fixed now. (Please let me know if it isn't ;P).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Professor Posted: 05:29:22 15th Jun 2006

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It wasn't real. Just an illusion, to fake you out!

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Cajin Von Sian Posted: 09:24:45 15th Jun 2006

Posts: 495

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Location: Angola

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How about SP planets gaining interest? One that I was training on would be 100k defense when I left it and then if I came back the next day would be a bit higher.

Teldin Posted: 09:54:58 15th Jun 2006

Posts: 960

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Don't be racist Cajin... the feds are people too! :D

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