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Fierce Deity Posted: 16:38:07 10th Jun 2006

Posts: 1188

Topics: 73

Location: United States

Gender: Male

No way, having a flag makes me look like a vet. :D Which seeing as how i've been around for about 2 years (i've had accounts before this one) I pretty much am.

Its kinda sad though lol, I have the lowest total points for anyone in the statistics with a flag. :D

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Iiridayn Posted: 03:36:31 11th Jun 2006

Posts: 1645

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

Griffin Vengance:
"Flags (a flawed system to begin with) was automatic, as the game searched the nationality of the player's IP (I think :S). A year ago, for some reason this stopped; flags just stopped happening. The Professor and Iirydan say they're working on it, and that it's in the works, but it may be some time to come beffore we can proudly display our colours, be they Welsh, French or good old Trinidad and Tobago. Damn, a good time to bring this up, just as the World Cup starts. :("

Automagic flag assignment was removed by Zygi because players were complaining (more than a little) about it not being perfect (due to any system mapping IP addresses to countries not being perfect). Additionally, non-ISO 3166 regions were not represented in the databases he had access to, and there was a group making a fuss about that. So he removed the database to stop the complaints.

Now, I (will eventually, if at all possible) am planning to implement a new method of assigning flags, by selecting a country in your profile. It means the country stats can be faked easily, which is a shame, but people will be able to have their flag of choice. I have the flags (yes, and the one for Wales, by the same author, in the same style), and so can now do it, but I lack the readily available time (as evinced by my not having the barracks implemented yet, 11 days into the round. (taking a short break atm to relax before diving back into that evil code)). I do, however, intend to have it written before the end of the month (or it prolly won't get written :/).

SkyLords Head Programmer

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