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Rukna Baisioji Akis Posted: 16:16:29 17th Apr 2006

Posts: 1374

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Location: Lithuania

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Yep. I agree with Filas too.
A personal question to Professor: do you use or used autoharvester yourself? There were some posts some time ago leading me to this question but i never found a good place to post it. If not, your position about people using variuos programs and breaking the official rules would be just viered having in mind variuos accusations of cheating are not extraneous to you ;)

I will defeat you. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting.

Hope Posted: 04:20:12 18th Apr 2006

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12 days and intrest is reduced :P
Hopefully game will become more intresting then ;)

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

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Maaak2 Posted: 08:19:39 18th Apr 2006

Posts: 254

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I Hope it gets more interresting. All this probing and my eyes are bugging out. Filas is starting to look like President Bush! Really would like an improvement of some sort for proing but oh well...

*Note to self* Do not leave clan with leadership.
System Administrator planet 0 Wolfs Teeth has been captured by Maaak2, Shadow Industries.

Iiridayn Posted: 05:25:19 19th Apr 2006

Posts: 1645

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Filas: theoretically, probing completely randomly is almost as good as probing in a pattern, from a statistical perspective. (Only almost as good because the universe is finite, but since probe radius is << universe radius, it's still applicable).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

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