Topic Title: New Player testing (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Teldin

Topic started: 13:33:08 14th Mar 2006

Posts: 11 Last post: 22:41:01 16th Mar 2006 by Digital Scott

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Teldin Posted: 13:33:08 14th Mar 2006

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Are vereran players with active accounts allowed to create test accounts for New Player Experience testing? I'm interested in checking out the new player missions and perhaps providing feedback of it. Also, new player mentoring would be easier since many vets haven't done the new player missions in a while (myself in over a year.)

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Hope Posted: 14:11:26 14th Mar 2006

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Section 2: MISSIONS
(This section covers missions in more detail and reworded)
(If in doubt follow the yellow icons ;))

1. Colonize a nearby uncolonized planet
2. Create a Homeworld for gathering and storing resources
3. Design essential ship models
4. Build fighter and destroy enemy ship
5. Capture enemy planet
6. Managing resource production
7. Finding nearby planets
8. Launch an Intergalactic Flight
9. Hyperspace flight
10. Spy an enemy planet
11. Capture another system
12. Probe for planets
13. Capture another system
14. Own 15 planets
15. Enter the Real Arena

Mission 1:

There are two ways to get more planets in SkyLords. Capturing planets from other players, and colonizing free planets. In this mission, you will colonize a new planet, doubling the size of your empire.
• Click on the Ships button at the top of the screen.
• Select your transport ship.
• Practice moving your ship using the arrows on the right side of the screen, then move it next to the green planet.
• Click on the Colonize Nearby Planet button on the left of the screen.
Please be cautious of the Up and Down links inside the arrows until you are comfortable with the coordinate system (your position is in the upper right). You can find the position of your planets on the planets page if you get lost

Mission 2: (current)

Putting your resources on a single planet allows them to be protected easier, and makes spending them easier as well. In this mission you will transfer all of the troops, iron, and gold from one planet to the other.
• Click on the Space button at the top of the screen, or the Ships button and select the transport.
• Move the transport near the planet you wish to take the resources from.
• Click Dock on Nearby Planet along the left hand side of the screen.
• Move as many of the Troops, Gold, and Iron to your transport as you can.
• Move to your other planet (in blue, the Space button returns you to the movement screen), Dock, and move the resources from your ship to the planet. Make sure to leave some uranium on your ship.
• Continue moving resources until you have 20,000 each of Troops, Iron, and Gold on your new planet.
A warning: your ship is fuled by Uranium, so if you run out, it won't be able to move anymore. Always make sure you have enough Uranium to reach where you need to go (it costs 1 Uranium per square traveled, and 2 for diagonals). It is recommended to keep at least 50 to 100 uranium on your ship at all times.

Mission 3: (current)

Before creating any ships, you need to create a model to work from. In this mission, you will create the models for an Assault ship, a Fighter, a Spy, and a Probe.
• Click on the ships button.
• Click on Create New Model.
• You will need to create 4 models, one at a time:
o Fighter: Model is Attack Ship, type is Fighter Ship. The default attack and defence are fine as they are.
o Assault: Model is also Attack Ship, type is Assault Ship. You need a volume of 15,000 to successfully complete the missions.
o Spy: Model is Utility Ship, type is Spy Ship. Engine is Hyperdrive. The default volume is fine, and should serve you for some time.
o Probe: Another Utility Ship, type Probing Ship. Use the default volume.
• Be sure to give each model a memorable name, and press Save for each one.
If you make a mistake, you can always delete the model from the Designed Models page. Probes are not reuseable, and are always hyperjumped in due to patience and cost, so there is no reason to build a larger probe. Spys aren't very useful without hyperdrive, as otherwise they'd take too long to reach anywhere. And your assault needs to be 15,000 volume, as you don't have enough iron for a larger one.

Mission 4: (current)

Fighter ships are used to destroy enemy ships. In this mission, you have the opportunity to do just that to a computer controlled ship.
• Before killing the ship you need to build a fighter:
o Click on the Ships button.
o In the dropdown menus in the lower left of the screen, select your new Homeworld (where you put all your Troops, Iron, and Gold), and the model of your Fighter, and click the highlighted Build button.
o Put some Uranium on the fighter (at least 10 is recommended), but no Troops or Hydrogen. This is also a good time to name the ship if you desire.
o Click the highlighted Construct Ship button.
o Click Launch Ship
• Move the new fighter near the red enemy ship, and click on Attack Nearby Ship, and then the ship's name.
• The ship has been destroyed.
You may notice that your ship has gained 1% experience, and its attack has gone up slightly. As your ship gains experience, it increases in effectiveness, to a maximum of 200%. The stronger and more expensive the ship you kill, the more experience you stand to gain.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

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Hope Posted: 14:12:00 14th Mar 2006

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Mission 5: (current)

Capturing enemy planets is the most common method of increasing your empire. You are now ready to capture the enemy planet in your system.
• Build an assault like you built the fighter (you can refer to the mission if necessary).
• Make sure to put at least 10,000 Troops and 1000 Uranium on the assault.
• Move the assault next to the red planet, and click on Capture Nearby Planet
• If the defence of the planet is red, please go and put at least 10,000 troops on your assault.
• Click on the name of the planet.
Like the fighter, assaults also gain experience. This reduces the cost of capturing planets, and can go as high as 200% (1/3rd the cost). Also, note that the Space button is unavailable after capturing planets; you must select the assault from the ships page after each capture. Note that the troops required to overcome the planet's defence are lost in the process of capturing the planet. Finally, if the defence of a planet is shown in red, you don't have enough troops on your assault to capture the planet and the assault will be lost should you attempt. This can be used to capture strong planets, as the defence is reduced, but at a high cost to yourself.

Mission 6: (current)

Successfully choosing what to produce and where can make the difference between victory and defeat. In this mission you will learn to adjust resource production on your Homeworld.
• Click on Planets.
• Click the name of your Homeworld. It should be highlighted.
• Use the + and - buttons on the right to adjust production, until you have 3 points on Troops, 3 points on Vital, and 3 points on Iron.
• Click the Save button.
To learn more about what each resource does, you can click on Learn more about resources, above the save button. The mix you are now producing is judged to be the most beneficial to you at this point in time. Now that you know how to adjust production, it is recommended that you do so for your other two planets as well, and others when you capture them.

Mission 7: (current)

Before capturing planets to add to your empire, you must first find them. There are two ways to find planets, and in this mission you will learn of the simpler and cheaper of the two.
• Click on Planets, and select any of your planets.
• Click Nearby Planet.
• Write down the coordinates of the planet you just found.
To reach the planet again, you need to remember it's coordinates, and it is annoying to rescan every time you need them. Nearby detects as far as 1000 away, but only the single closest planet at a time, and is limited to the enviorns surrounding your planets. Because of these limitations, Probes are also used to find planets.

Mission 8: (current)

Now that you have found a new planetary system, you need to add it to your empire. But first, you must get there. There are two basic ways to move a ship across a long distance. The first of these, standard on all ships, is Intergalactic Flight, which is what you'll be doing in this mission.
• Click on Ships, and select your assault.
• Move back to your Homeworld, dock on it, and ensure you have at least 10,000 Troops and 1,000 Uranium on your assault.
• You now have three ways to access the Intergalactic flight page:
o You can use the highlighted link on the left
o You can use the highlighted Launch link on the Ships page
o You can use the highlighted link on the Space page
• Enter the coordinates you found into the triple boxes labled Destination Position.
• Click the Launch button
Uranium is used to Intergalactic Flight as well, and the time and Uranium costs can be seen to the upper right of the destination form.

Mission 9: (current)

Intergalactic flight takes time, as you may have noticed. On the other hand, Hyperdrive can move your ship instantly to anywhere in the galaxy, but can only be installed in some ship models. In this mission, you will perform your first hyperjump, into the new system that you found.
• Build a spy ship from the model you designed in the 4th mission. Make sure it has at least 100 Hydrogen on it (900 Hydrogen and 100 Uranium is recommended).
• In the Space view, enter the coordinates your found into the triple boxes in the lower right hand side of the screen.
• Click Ok.
• You should see a sun and two green planets (and if you move your ship, a red one where it was).
Hyperspace flight is the quickest way to get places, but is not available on attack ships. Also, hyperdrive uses 50 Hydrogen for every jump instead of Uranium, and so you should try to always have at least 100 Hydrogen on board -- to jump somewhere and still make it back.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

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Hope Posted: 14:12:24 14th Mar 2006

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Gender: Male

Mission 10: (current)

Spying a planet is an essential way to gather information about a planet before attacking it. And in this mission you'll do just that.
• Select your spy ship (I highlighted it for you).
• Make sure your ship is near the red planet in the system you found (only if you've moved it since the hyperjump).
• Click Spy Nearby Planet, and select the planet name.
Not much can be added to this, save that if you don't have the resources to attack a planet, you may want to leave the system alone (and possibly sell it in the Seek and Destroy forum).

Mission 11: (current)

In this mission, you will need to take the appropriate actions to capture and/or colonize all planets in the system you have found. Your assault has probably arrived by now, and if not, will soon. This mission is complete once you own 6 planets. (If you see nothing when your assault arrives, double check the coordinates, and correct position if necessary).

Mission 12: (current)

Probes are the other way to find new planets. You may have already noticed that none of your planets has any nearbys -- to find more you must probe for them. 8 other systems have been scattered around your main system, at a distance of between 1200-1500 on all axis. To probe:
• Build a probe, making sure to put 50 Hydrogen on it.
• Hyperjump near where you want to probe.
• Click Probe Space.
• If you read the whole mission, you should have found a new system.
Probes have a basic range of 160 (in all directions), so you'll want to jump to an offset (either positive or negative) of 1350 from your first system (between 1200 and 1500) on all axis. For instance, if your main planet is at 1000:-2000:3000, you would want to launch a probe to 2350:650:1650, amoung others. Remember, the 8 systems are between 1200-1500 away on all axis, in all directions. Should you need to refer to the results of a probe, they are stored on your board computer (which can be found from the news page). As a new player, you start with all bonus technologies, increasing your probe range 400, allowing you to be less precise than you would otherwise have to be.

Mission 13: (current)

Take whatever action you feel is necessary to own 9 planets. Since you cannot bring enough troops to capture the entire system on your assault, you'll need to use your transport to hyperjump more in. After probing start capturing all the nearby planets, (if you need more troops then change your production points accordingly and then wait a while for your minions to gather!;)

Mission 14: (current)

Own 15 planets. Once you have completed this mission, you can enter the real arena and test your skills against other players. Alternativly, you can wait and gather resources for a couple weeks before being automatically dropped into the real arena. Please note that your planets cannot be attacked during the first week since you joined, giving you an advantage should you choose to enter before that expires. Also, as you don't already have enough troops to capture all 15 planets, you will need to produce troops on your planets to capture the rest.

Mission 15: (current)

Enter the Real Arena. It is recommended that you check for nearbys upon entering the real arena, as your neighborhood may have changed.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Hope Posted: 14:14:58 14th Mar 2006

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Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

These are the Missions
Last bit of SL Hanbook im working through (need to find things that need adding or more explanation here, but Iiris done a great job!;)
Also note all buttons that need to be pressed are highlighted yellow...

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Iiridayn Posted: 20:15:34 14th Mar 2006

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Teldin: yes, just PM Prof to let him know the account name, and then close it when done.

Hope: Only the first time you need to follow a path though. I figured it'd be best to give them less help as the missions progress (hence also the text of 13 ;)), so they'd have an easy start, but be prepared to fend for themselves in the real arena.

Edit: ... I don't remember saying anything about minions ;P.

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Hope Posted: 00:18:18 15th Mar 2006

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Where on earth did I say "minions" :P
Oh wait tthere we go :P
Forgot to edit that out for forum post ;)

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Teldin Test Posted: 12:24:38 15th Mar 2006

Posts: 1

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I am noticing there is no NEWS link. Is that intentional? However, I can get to the news via the address bar.

Alpha Code Posted: 13:17:23 15th Mar 2006

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i'm might give it a try sometime i'm curious :P

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Hope Posted: 13:57:07 15th Mar 2006

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News isnt needed in new player arena is it?

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

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Shadow Stalker Posted: 14:13:47 15th Mar 2006

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it is if u get detected :P

It's allways been my fault

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