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Alpha Code Posted: 11:14:33 11th Mar 2006

Posts: 12063

Topics: 241

Location: United Kingdom

Gender: Male

*slaps berserkas with a soggy biscuit*

Wisdom is the knowledge gained through your own mind, intelligence is knowledge passed on by anothers

The Falling Fist

I'm a Priest God never paid

Never avoid temptation, as you get older, IT will avoid you.

emoticon5d Posted: 23:58:55 11th Mar 2006

Posts: 20

Topics: 3

Gender: Male

*whips out pet smiley*
*lets smiley put all food from ground into mouth*
*tells pet smiley to fire the food at everybody*

What do you do when emoticons attack YOU?

you can:

you can

or you can...
-run AND panic.....

I'd choose the last one...

Iiridayn Posted: 03:20:26 12th Mar 2006

Posts: 1645

Topics: 98

Location: United States

Gender: Male

*Ducks behind Demonicus' invincible fortress, and is about to return fire when he notices he's out of ammo. Instead, whips out a cherry :pie:, and starts using the shadows to try to sneak behind emoticon5d.*

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Laurrriz Posted: 04:24:09 12th Mar 2006

Posts: 1818

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

*runs with pie, tries to throw, but suddenly notices that it's been eaten... by me :shrug: "

Proud member of the Space Cowboys

----------your AD here------------

Aude aliquid dignum

Berserkas Posted: 08:05:08 12th Mar 2006

Posts: 1515

Topics: 32

Gender: Male

*slaps alpha with a banana peel*

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

emoticon5d Posted: 13:11:25 12th Mar 2006

Posts: 20

Topics: 3

Gender: Male

*reloads pet smiley and directs it towards Iridayn*
*tells pet to fire*

*pet smiley begins to choke :help: *
*gives smiley CPR*
*Smiley coughs up a gallons worth of cherry pie filling and it ends up in my face*
*whipes off filling*

*tells pet smiley to go and get my "pie gun.* :pie: :uzi:

What do you do when emoticons attack YOU?

you can:

you can

or you can...
-run AND panic.....

I'd choose the last one...

Iiridayn Posted: 00:44:51 13th Mar 2006

Posts: 1645

Topics: 98

Location: United States

Gender: Male

*As his former target no longer seems to need it, and there is somebody suddenly short a :pie:, Iiridayn throws his :pie: at Laurrriz instead ;). He then quickly ducks out and returns with a bin full of :donut: shurikens, and a french bread "sword", and begins throwing shurikens at all in the room (as well as his "sword", which he had in his hand at the time).*

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Stealthy21 Posted: 03:33:06 13th Mar 2006

Posts: 212

Topics: 29

Location: United States

Gender: Male

Stealthy eats his :pie:...why waste it? oh yea cuz it is so much fun..

*Stealthy busts out the Pie Launcher 3000, and watches all duck for cover.*

* Stealthy laughs as :pie: flies across the room*

"lol, you look funny berserkas with all that :pie: juice on ur face...."

Commin for ya one planet at a

Sellin planets..PM me whenever..
my MSN

Berserkas Posted: 03:42:46 13th Mar 2006

Posts: 1515

Topics: 32

Gender: Male

*splat* *boom*
lol you look funny stealthy with your gun backfiring at you because of the banana i stuffed in it

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

Stealthy21 Posted: 03:53:21 13th Mar 2006

Posts: 212

Topics: 29

Location: United States

Gender: Male

Excuse me the velocity and the force in which these pies are hurled easily knock a little bannana outta the it is more like a catapult than a gun....:)

Commin for ya one planet at a

Sellin planets..PM me whenever..
my MSN

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