Topic Title: Sending a PM to multiple recipients (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Iiridayn

Topic started: 19:51:51 7th Mar 2006

Posts: 21 Last post: 02:29:41 14th Apr 2006 by Iiridayn

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Iiridayn Posted: 19:51:51 7th Mar 2006

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It has been possible for a long time (perhaps since the beginning of SkyLords) to send a PM to more than one person at a time (up to 11). However, either Zygis forgot to tell anybody about it, or it has been forgotten in the mists of time. It was certainly lost to most people by the time I joined as a newbie, as I wished for the very same feature.

With no further ado: To address to multiple people, seperate each name by a '|' (found above the enter key on this keyboard). It's that simple ;P. If you find any problems with it, please let me know (and it isn't my fault this time, since it's Zygi's code ;) ).

To send a PM to me, mehdec, and Berserkas (guess where I got the inspiration ;P), your recipient line should look something like this:
Iiridayn | mehdec | Berserkas

Edit: Just so FBI knows :D, a PM is a "Private Message". They can be accessed by clicking "Private Messages" on the left, near the bottom of the block. :D

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mehdec Posted: 21:01:52 7th Mar 2006

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lost technology:O


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Berserkas Posted: 22:47:37 7th Mar 2006

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cool :)

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
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andy1218 Posted: 22:52:48 7th Mar 2006

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I tried it. It works :D

Professor Posted: 06:08:13 8th Mar 2006

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It is above the \ key on my keyboard, but it works for me as well. Cool!

By the way, you can now send yourself a copy of any message (like coords) that you want to keep. Nice feature. Just add you own name to the list of recipients.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Hope Posted: 06:56:33 8th Mar 2006

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Oh God no!
Any way to block SS from spamming all our inboxs?? :P

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kotica Posted: 06:57:15 8th Mar 2006

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makes me wonder how many other undocumented features only a lithuanian would know about :D

oh and thanks iiri

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Berserkas Posted: 07:51:12 8th Mar 2006

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wouldnt you like to know :sly:

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

Laurrriz Posted: 08:02:46 8th Mar 2006

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let's just leave it there...

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Berserkas Posted: 08:50:52 8th Mar 2006

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you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

kotica Posted: 09:00:10 8th Mar 2006

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why yes, i'd like to know :D

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

I only know what I read on the internet.

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