Topic Title: fencing anyone? (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: kotica

Topic started: 19:17:43 22nd Jan 2006

Posts: 23 Last post: 09:38:40 6th Feb 2006 by kotica

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kotica Posted: 19:17:43 22nd Jan 2006

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I just got back from the Fete d' Fluerette fencing tournament.

1st Place .... Kotica <<<< Earned A06 Epee rating

I guess that makes me the best fencer in all of skylords community :D

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watupdogg Posted: 19:18:44 22nd Jan 2006

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Chaos Posted: 19:23:30 22nd Jan 2006

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Congrats. I know nothing about fencing tho :D

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kotica Posted: 19:27:13 22nd Jan 2006

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ty. ty.
For those not up on fencing rules.... you try and touch your opponent with a sword before they do. :D

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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paladinbarry Posted: 20:12:50 22nd Jan 2006

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sword? those things are not liek any sword ive seen they bend:P

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Iiridayn Posted: 20:41:21 22nd Jan 2006

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It's a lightweight pokey sword. Actually fairly effective against many other swords, due to it's wieght, and the fast, deceptive fighting style. Unfortunatly, most other swords can simply break the blade if they connect, and as a master swordsman put it "Even a child can turn aside a thrust" (what he may have been ignoring is that there is usually another following it ;P). Mostly a dueling weapon, as opposed to a melee or brawling weapon.

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Reiver Demon Posted: 20:46:50 22nd Jan 2006

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im not in favor of flashy moves, i would prefer a sword with a blade at least as long as i am tall (im over 6 ft tall :))

you come within about 6 ft of me and may god help your soul

PS for people not in US who are unwise to the US measurement system, im about 2 meters tall

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Berserkas Posted: 03:17:17 23rd Jan 2006

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lol i would like a blade that i could actually lift lol :)

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Pray Posted: 05:53:14 23rd Jan 2006

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Pardon my french, but doesn't fete have to have an accent circumflex on it?


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Iiridayn Posted: 06:03:30 23rd Jan 2006

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Those are a pain to write on standard US keyboard though ;P.
And Demonicus: If you miss, you generally don't have time to recover for a second swing ;P. (On the flipside, you go through everything ;P. Weapon, shield, armor, and the horse they rode in on ;). Or at least break the arm holding the shield, all assuming you can swing the heavy thing).

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Chaos Posted: 07:29:08 23rd Jan 2006

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Cool. How do you know all that about swords? Just theory or practice too? :D

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