Topic starter: Professor
Topic started: 17:55:05 21st Jan 2006
Posts: 44 Last post: 09:40:49 4th Mar 2006 by Iiridayn
Professor | Posted: 17:55:05 21st Jan 2006 |
Posts: 5830 Topics: 405 Location: China Gender: Male ISP: MSN |
The use of inactive accounts or other player accounts to give planets to and then harvest from is not permitted. Any use of more than one account by a single player, with or without permission of the other account owner or creator, is not permitted, and is considered multiple account playing by a single person.
GholaBashar | Posted: 00:08:53 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1246 Topics: 68 Location: Romania |
what if we just want to keep people alive - and thus give them planets?
SmartFox | Posted: 00:22:30 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1557 Topics: 112 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
Hm.. and Phobius and Dinda? They actives ir not? Now they have 12 and 22 planets... So if they some day will be back? Like gogo... Then in those planets will be mil of resources! Exmpl. STIKLINIS is suspended and he never come back...
Moiare | Posted: 01:17:02 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 135 Topics: 6 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Although I completely understand and agree that this needs to be monitored, as even I had the thought that it could be used in that method, GB does raise a valid point.
Dios | Posted: 02:46:42 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 2511 Topics: 165 Location: United Kingdom Gender: Male |
I too have used this form of agreement with players, only without the payment side of it solely to help them stay alive. If you're telling me that doing so to keep clan members alive when they are not going to be able to play the game for a certain amount of time due to real life issues is now going to become a crime of SL then maybe you should just get rid of clans completely.
Rukna Baisioji Akis | Posted: 03:25:46 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1374 Topics: 103 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
I'm dissapointed with this topic. Unfair and cheating is the words that do not fit here. Throwing planets to others have many advantages and hoping to find some resources later often brings only dissapointment. I lost many planets in this way, many weak or little-active players benefitted much more getting planets from me than i did. It is probably impossible to find palyers with accepting, that are loging-in and not picking resources themselves or changing gathering or obliting planets. It is not my fault and not their fault that clans do not teach them to make accepting only from clanmembers and do not teach them to oblit unknown systems.
Bert2 | Posted: 07:53:11 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 2477 Topics: 101 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Yes and he does have a point also. It was a common strat to give planets or ships to people like "nightfrost" (Absolutely inactive) in order to store things like planets and resources. He was one of my bankers for a while. Park a ship and give it to him and have an inactive deep space storage bank for your self. Or if you were over your limit and needed a hand, give him a couple of planets in a broken string and go back for them later if you lost a couple.
Lakamar Sinji | Posted: 09:25:42 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1056 Topics: 78 Location: United States Gender: Male |
SmartFox | Posted: 09:47:45 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1557 Topics: 112 Location: Lithuania Gender: Male |
Spirit of the game???
Lakamar Sinji | Posted: 09:55:57 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 1056 Topics: 78 Location: United States Gender: Male |
SF - I understand that this clarificiation will impact many players both in LTC and otherwise.... but I truly believe that the spirit of the rules (and game) were not being followed which is why I raised my concern - it is one thing to help others by giving them planets and quite another to use others accounts to gain personal advantage. Do you agree?
Pray | Posted: 09:58:54 22nd Jan 2006 |
Posts: 2255 Topics: 147 Location: United States Gender: Male |
But if you toss another player a planet and they are inactive, your intentions should be to keep them alive and not gather resc from it a week later. if your keeping them alive its completely fine. but Dinda is fine, i found his HW i saw it... its large its 100m+ so why on Earth would he need other planets, now if u see some newbie or vet whos hw just got taken, then its reasonable to flip them a planet so they stay alive. but if ur just gonna defeat them a day later and get the resc its pretty much multi cuz ur taking advantage of them for your own benifit...