Topic Title: REALLY SERIOUS fighter bug. (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Deemers

Topic started: 16:31:57 7th Dec 2005

Posts: 24 Last post: 00:43:34 9th Dec 2005 by Professor

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Deemers Posted: 16:31:57 7th Dec 2005

Posts: 4189

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Gender: Male

16:30:17 | Dios ship Fox 5 has been destroyed by Deemers.
16:29:57 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 5 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:29:46 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 10 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:29:41 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 6 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:29:34 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 2 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:29:28 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 4 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:29:16 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 7 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:29:11 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 3 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:29:07 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 1 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:29:01 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 9 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:28:56 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 8 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:25:02 | Deemers ship IAS Reborn has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:24:35 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 5 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:24:27 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 4 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:24:21 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 9 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:24:12 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 7 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:24:07 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 10 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:24:02 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 2 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:23:44 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 6 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:23:38 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 1 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:23:33 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 8 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.
16:23:29 | Deemers ship FIRE TORPEDOS 3 has been destroyed during attack of Dios ship.

I have rectified the situation, but professor, that was a fighter with over 150k defense. Please explain how it reached that level, im sure you can look into the database and find out :P

Each "torpedo" did 7k damage and the reborn did around 12k damage, so you can see how it added up. :P

Luckily my fighter that killed it does not have even close to that amount of defense so its probably a bug gone now, but id still like to know how exactly it happened.

Ship that killed Dios's ship is the IAS Woad Raider, so im sure you can track the attack back to that ship in the records, im not going to move it from when it lands safely from hyper so you can have a good way of tracking the records back.

Ship Class of my fighter is "IA Heavy Attack Ship"
I've also left the FIRE TORPEDOS model intact.

Co-ords of the fight were 0,0,50. (maybe 1 off in x/y axis but it was near dead centre)

I also have a screen shot half way through the battle, when it was at 21k attack and 70419 defense, i think just after the Reborn hit and i arrived with a new set of torpedos. If you want that it is at

Carpet salesmen your majesty, legions of them! Our troops were overrun by their absurdly loud sales pitches!
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watupdogg Posted: 16:33:27 7th Dec 2005

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yea i also attacked him like 25 times

superguy Posted: 16:34:37 7th Dec 2005

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i attacked him 5 times

(7k attack for each one and one w/ 7.1k)

|_______/ /_/```-------|___|

^.^ Ive got a big gun ^.^

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Arcanix Posted: 16:40:55 7th Dec 2005

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i thought they were transports, weird :S

Deemers Posted: 16:42:42 7th Dec 2005

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Actually guys, you lot may have attacked "Scrap metal" at 0,0,0. That was a transport I believe, i was watching with a invis ship at the time.

Carpet salesmen your majesty, legions of them! Our troops were overrun by their absurdly loud sales pitches!
Cry Havok, Ruin, Destruction and Decay. Death is the worst of them, and Death will have his day.

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Deemers Posted: 16:43:21 7th Dec 2005

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But nuff said, prof, have a look please, i dont want to be facing 150k def fighters again lol. :D

Carpet salesmen your majesty, legions of them! Our troops were overrun by their absurdly loud sales pitches!
Cry Havok, Ruin, Destruction and Decay. Death is the worst of them, and Death will have his day.

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superguy Posted: 16:54:34 7th Dec 2005

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i thought it was called scrap iron ???

|_______/ /_/```-------|___|

^.^ Ive got a big gun ^.^

Space Cowboys

RedKnightComet Posted: 20:09:19 7th Dec 2005

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that would be a good bug, we must keep it

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LordAiron Posted: 23:29:01 7th Dec 2005

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Are you sure what was fighter :D lol :D

I have many ships with 150k def and 1-3k volume :D

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Iiridayn Posted: 23:54:47 7th Dec 2005

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There are 5 fighters with more defence than they should have. Hmm, RedKnightComet, I can see why you want to keep it, as you own one of the 5. Mind telling me how it got that way?

*Edit: I think I know where it came from. That's 3-4 people that didn't tell me about it after finding it. I'll talk to Prof about what should be done to them, but I'm thinking I should at least delete the ships (instead of fixing them). Fixing bug now.

**Edit: Should work correctly now.

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Dios Posted: 04:41:02 8th Dec 2005

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Ship display shows 24k defence :S Or did until you blew it up Deemers... I spoke to you about concerns for my fighter last night if you remember?

To rest: Scrap iron was a large transport with alot of defence, it's a new BZ game, "Chase the Trans" :D

Make your move, reindeer games.

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