Topic Title: HW idea (unhijacked) (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Iiridayn

Topic started: 13:02:52 6th Dec 2005

Posts: 4 Last post: 10:33:13 7th Dec 2005 by Bert2

Iiridayn Posted: 13:02:52 6th Dec 2005

Posts: 1645

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Location: United States

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It would appear that I have positioned my idea poorly, and for that I apologize. My idea is fairly simple: anchor floating HWs to a planet. The concept is simple too: all resources must be tied in some way to a planet. And the best thing is, the game remains simple: planets remain the key to strategy, instead of making ship/planet/market/credit combinations critical, you just have to remember that planets are the key to your strategy.

I have heard several players say that they dislike complexity, that they like SkyLords because it is simple. I have done my best to this point to retain the simplicity, preserve the strategy, and maintain the principles that have made SkyLords such a great game. Should my efforts have been misguided and complexity, radical strategies, and new basics be the desire of the players, I apologise for my mistaken assumptions, and will wholeheartedly throw my support behind the lastest innovation.

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Professor Posted: 21:13:52 6th Dec 2005

Posts: 5830

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Thanks Iiridayn.

To simply your proposal, we could simply make it so that only transports are tied to planets. Of course, then I suppose players would shift to using 500k assaults in space as storage ships for resources (yuck, I would not find that very exciting myself).

To simplify or at least reduce problems with my proposal on the 1% cost per day, the cost could be limited only to non-troop resources. There are valid and useful reasons to want to have troops on ships in relatively large numbers. Even on transports, troops may be needed for an upcoming attack, and it would be sad to accidentally lose 1% of them while taking them to waiting assaults just due to having them on the ship at the wrong second of the day.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Chaos Posted: 04:01:59 7th Dec 2005

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I think ships shouldn't be linked to planets, but there should be enough incentives to store resources on planets. Well, just my idea SO DON'T ATTACK ME FOR IT MADMAX *looks around*

Iiridayn do you play Uplink (your avatar)? :D

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Professor Posted: 04:40:24 7th Dec 2005

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Iiridayn's idea would work, and it is a dramatic improvement to the old way of ships being assigned to planets and lost whenever lots of things happened besides having HW captured.

However, I do prefer a different solution. Of course, Iiridayn and I do not exactly agree on this point, as he claims my alternative solution is "less elegant". Probably true. I have so far been unable to get a handle on what elegance is and why it matters. All I am certain of is that there needs to be some solution, and both Iiridayn and I have proposed alternative options that would work. The one other solution, proposed by several players and consistently receiving support from about 40% of the SL community, is to have ship probes or some other form of ship detection. I do not like Bert's alternative, as I don't think it will solve the problem. His heart is in the right place, and his objectives are admirable, but I do not agree his solution would work, as we could easily have a game of "pass the clan HW" so I can have my turn to attack.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Bert2 Posted: 10:33:13 7th Dec 2005

Posts: 2477

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Yes I had thought of that, I still would like to see some solution that requires attackers to have something to be able to be attacked back. That is the only long terms sustainable solution that I can think of.

if we want to really do it we could have planet stored non defensive resources tied to morale and morale tied to oblitting.

the more stars you have the more morale it take to oblit. That way new guys have a better chance to defend themselves. And vets will need to have a HW constantly building morale if they want to be able to oblit alot.

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