Topic Title: Issues to be put to SL community vote (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Professor

Topic started: 09:37:26 27th Oct 2005

Posts: 52 Last post: 21:54:11 31st Oct 2005 by Professor

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Professor Posted: 09:37:26 27th Oct 2005

Posts: 5830

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There are some issues being discussed which should be put to a vote by the entire SL community. I do not want to do a vote here, but I do want to have players suggest here issues which they feel the community should be asked to vote on. The issues I am aware of so far include:

1. RESET - vote in SL council is leaning in favor of a reset now. I will not do this unless both the SL community in general and the SL council clearly vote in support of a reset. Reset means no market resources, no planets, no points, and no credits get carried forward. Everyone starts from scratch.

2. WARP - what ships should be able to use the warp? how frequently should warp update to new location? what level of risk of ship loss when using warp is appropriate? should there be any cost of using the warp?

3. Battle Zone - should a small area arround the Battle Zone be used to have an area of planets that can not be obliterated? If so, how large an area should this be, and should we have any planets seeded in that area to make it a real continuous battle zone with every planet open for capture and none able to be obliterated by anyone?

4. Resources for buildings - are the costs for creating buildings reasonable or too high or too low? Are three levels of buildings for each of these proposed initial structure reasonable or should we have less or more levels of buildings? Should we have buildings at all, or should these not be part of this game at all (in which case, I will definitely accelerate plans to introduce new game version with buildings, and will retire from active play in current version of the game).

5. Market issues - should we have a declining price for resources left on market at price higher than reasonably could be expected to sell to any player? Should we have a tax on goods sold on the market, for your own goods for all goods? Should we have a limit on resources that can be sold on the market?

These are all the questions I can think of right now. Let me know if you guys think of more questions we should be getting feedback from the overall community regarding.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Professor Posted: 09:47:22 27th Oct 2005

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Another issue IS remembered me about - we need to find out whose fault it really is once and for all, so a question for voting of the community will be: "whose fault is it"

A. Andy
B. IS/SS/Amid/other aliases (sound suspicious?)
C. Chaos
D. Devona

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Professor Posted: 09:53:29 27th Oct 2005

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Another issue - Flags. something needs to be decided about what to do with flags. There are solutions which might be ideal, but which will take a lot of time and effort to do, so won't happen soon. There are also solutions which are easy, such as what Zygi did, but which have other problems and which are not ideal.

Earlier, players asked for flags to be removed as they were often incorrect. Now they want them back, but debugged and enhanced. That will take a long time. We need to lay out the realistic choices and options and get players to vote on a policy they want to see us implement.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Chaos Posted: 09:58:43 27th Oct 2005

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Why am I added to "who's-fault-it-is" list? :S
Everyone knows no it's Devona's fault :P

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Laurrriz Posted: 10:00:49 27th Oct 2005

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you're way off.... it's IS's fault :D

Proud member of the Space Cowboys

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Iiridayn Posted: 10:05:55 27th Oct 2005

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It seems I have communicated a false impression. I cannot do flags the way Zygi did. He deleted the autoassign code (or I can't find it anywhere), and I don't know enough about the nature of IP addresses to recreate it. My proposal was to simply take the flags that we have (maybe a few new ones for non ISO compliant countries), and allow players to select their location.

Again, I humbly apologize to the Skylords community if I have somehow misrepresented my capabilities.

SkyLords Head Programmer

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Force of nature.

Professor Posted: 10:20:48 27th Oct 2005

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Well, I kind of yelled at him for confusing me. He earlier told me this would be hard to do and avitars easier. Now avitars are hard and the self select flags from list is easier. I do not know, but I am pretty sure it will take about four to six times longer than however long Iiridayn tells me it will take. I am not being rude, just realistic. Coding takes longer than even coders think.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

GholaBashar Posted: 10:24:58 27th Oct 2005

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i would like to keep total points in case of a reset. what is wrong with that? or too difficult to do? :D


Professor Posted: 10:29:05 27th Oct 2005

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"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Laurrriz Posted: 10:29:26 27th Oct 2005

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Total reset wouldn't be that bad, but the total points would be nice to have around.... and a round to battle it out ?

Proud member of the Space Cowboys

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Professor Posted: 10:30:10 27th Oct 2005

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Yes, it would be announced in advance, so you would have time to kill everyone.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

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