Topic Title: My BUG Policy (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: Iiridayn
Topic started: 12:08:05 23rd Sep 2005
Posts: 1 Last post: 12:37:51 23rd Sep 2005 by Bert2
Iiridayn | Posted: 12:08:05 23rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 1645 Topics: 98 Location: United States Gender: Male |
If you find a bug, tell me. If it is an exploit, this goes double (feel free to take me literally there). All I ask is that you give me one week to fix it. If, for some reason I can't fix it in a week, and depending on the severity of the bug, I may ask you to lay off it a little longer. As a rule of thumb, any advantages I can prove came from exploiting the code will be removed. Other consequences may also result depending on the severity of the bug.
Bert2 | Posted: 12:37:51 23rd Sep 2005 |
Posts: 2477 Topics: 101 Location: United States Gender: Male |
Just so the others don't need to look it up.......
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