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Zerohours Posted: 11:24:58 27th Aug 2015

Posts: 2443

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Location: Canada

Gender: Male

The macro of having 100 planets is exhausting. I considered it and would support it if SL as a whole does. I am not sure it is the ideal option but it certainly would balance the market a bit burning another 2500 credits a player a round.

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

FORTRANshadow Posted: 09:54:11 31st Aug 2015

Posts: 383

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I've been thinking about this problem and would like to see what people think about the following:

After a player has not logged in at all for 18 consecutive months, his or her planets' shields malfunction.

At that point, the unsupervised and unshielded troops begin leaving each planet at a rate of 10% per month.

After 3 more months, there are no longer enough bodies to run the power plants effectively, so the energy begins dropping at the rate of 10% per month.

This has the advantage of not depleting the valuable resources on the planets.

I think this would be relatively easy to script as a monthly database action, although Iiri would have to write something to switch off the shields based on a db flag.

Also, the shields would need to come back on when a player logs in after a long absence.

Zerohours Posted: 11:10:25 31st Aug 2015

Posts: 2443

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Location: Canada

Gender: Male

All for it. I think just shields would be fine as it decreases it by a huge factor. That way if a player logs in they haven't lost anything unless they lose the planet. I am strongly for your idea

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

Cajin Von Sian Posted: 22:15:04 1st Sep 2015

Posts: 495

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Location: Angola

Gender: Male

Wiping out shields could really help, that would drop SmartFox as an example from 3.8B defense to 1B defense, so one good 10M point round would defeat him.... and not sure on the coding, but I see it as a simple if function... if last login < today's date -547, shield=0,shields = unused production

Not sure on php coding, but I figure if I can imagine a simple answer in excel then Iiri intelligent mind ought to be able to figure something easy out in php cause he's awesome like that.

That would even motivate me to focus on inactives

watupdogg Posted: 07:01:29 9th Sep 2015

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A one time shield wipe for anyone who hasn't logged in since the big server crash! Do it!

Zerohours Posted: 20:51:49 16th Sep 2015

Posts: 2443

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Location: Canada

Gender: Male

This has been discussed for awhile now. I think it would ultimately be best for the game. I am not going to sit here and save assaults for a day that will eventually come. I am going to continue to be aggressive in my play. I want to destroy HWs and I am excited for them to be weaker. I don't think all of us saving for the day in the future Iiri lets loose the shield nerf to have fun.
I think this discussion may have slowed SL down more than it already was in terms of waiting for shields to be removed.

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

Gold Rush Posted: 22:30:33 28th Sep 2015

Posts: 2969

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Location: United States

Gender: Male

Im all for it and maybe 6 rounds of troop production without having to to produce equal amount of vital!. Gives us a little extra troops and lowers shields so we can wipe out a bunch of these hws!

A True Underdog


Cajin Von Sian Posted: 16:35:09 3rd Oct 2015

Posts: 495

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Location: Angola

Gender: Male

Zero wanted an update on defense since I've added some more planets to the list.
My current defense calculation is:

updated: 64,707,695,934

Zerohours Posted: 16:38:04 3rd Oct 2015

Posts: 2443

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Location: Canada

Gender: Male

Hot dogg (hehe)
Killing between 80-100mil a round and still not lowering universe defense!
HELP us :)

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

Cajin Von Sian II Posted: 15:14:14 4th Nov 2015

Posts: 70

Topics: 22

Location: Angola

Gender: Male

Added a couple more, took away a few for the kills last month, and updated a couple, currently showing:


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