Topic Title: Interest on Resources (Simple Topic)
Topic starter: Marvel Magnum
Topic started: 02:43:18 24th Oct 2014
Posts: 9 Last post: 15:01:17 28th Oct 2014 by Exemplary Strategy
Marvel Magnum | Posted: 02:43:18 24th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 330 Topics: 27 Location: Canada Gender: Male |
If I am correct, resources over 1M are supposed to gather interest over time.
Tom Bomadial | Posted: 03:44:24 24th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 423 Topics: 76 Location: United States Gender: Male |
You get interest up to 1m on non-defense resources. No interest is given on troops or energy. Production stops at 16.6 mil.
The Dark Horse | Posted: 06:49:07 24th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 98 Topics: 29 Gender: Male |
It is up to 1M and it is .5%/day, so 1,000,000*.00005=50 per 15 minute production cycle, and the lowest possible amount to have on a planet and still get interest is a fluke also I'm guessing. Though I think it is like 52 actually because there are only 96 cycles, not 100 |
The Dark Horse | Posted: 07:05:40 24th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 98 Topics: 29 Gender: Male |
Having just done a highly scientific study concerning one prod cycle, for 1M or more it is 52/cycle, and vital does work properly, having set one planet to use up 1 additional vital which is 30/cycle I still gained 22, and setting it to use 2 additional I lost 8.
The Dark Horse | Posted: 07:12:00 24th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 98 Topics: 29 Gender: Male |
And in regards to MM original post, like Tom said, only non-def has interest, are you sure there are no production points set or from buildings on the E on the other planets? |
The Dark Horse | Posted: 07:23:37 24th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 98 Topics: 29 Gender: Male |
Mathematically .005*96=.000052 which is presumably the calculation, thus 1,000,000*.000052=52/cycle
The Dark Horse | Posted: 07:34:52 24th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 98 Topics: 29 Gender: Male |
Alright, all those amounts produced 1 interest, so not sure on the minimum. And calculating 96*52 actually comes up with 4992, and I doubt the computer keeps track of fractional resources, that would be another study. So probably gaining 4992/day for 1M non-defensive resources. |
Tom Bomadial | Posted: 12:50:05 24th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 423 Topics: 76 Location: United States Gender: Male |
That figure explains why I thought vital was not working right!
Marvel Magnum | Posted: 11:54:23 26th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 330 Topics: 27 Location: Canada Gender: Male |
That solves my queries quite well
Exemplary Strategy | Posted: 15:01:17 28th Oct 2014 |
Posts: 928 Topics: 47 Location: United States Gender: Male |
I always thought it was 10k minimum to gain interest, 1m max, 10k interest per 24 hours on 1m res. I guess I learned something today.
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