Topic Title: Record Breaking! (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: EL

Topic started: 13:56:30 30th Mar 2012

Posts: 27 Last post: 18:46:58 11th Oct 2012 by watupdogg

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EL Posted: 13:56:30 30th Mar 2012

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Well we all knew it was going to be an exciting round I doubt its finished yet on either sides but damn.

I think this should be recorded its awesome to watch

1. Cajin Von Sian 5,065,783 29,998,490
2. Simbaa 3,211,636 5,233,205

Previous record for most points in a round has now been broken again by the same player? Correct me if I'm wrong please :D 3 Cobra hw's in 1 damn night.

20:55:12 | COBRA LT planet 4 Cobra has been captured by Cajin Von Sian, Apocalypse.
20:47:27 | COBRA LT planet 3 Cobra has been attacked by Cajin Von Sian, Apocalypse.
20:28:36 | COBRA LT planet 2 Cobra has been attacked by Cajin Von Sian, Apocalypse.


21:13:33 | COBRA LT planet 01 Cobra has been captured by Cajin Von Sian, Apocalypse.

1. Cajin Von Sian 6,210,702 31,143,409
2. Simbaa 3,211,636 5,233,205

4th Hw dropped.. can the server hold out any more? :p

FORTRANshadow Posted: 15:26:12 30th Mar 2012

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Very impressive, indeed!

FORTRANshadow Posted: 15:52:43 30th Mar 2012

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And now: COBRA LT planet 1 Cobra has been captured by Cajin Von Sian, Apocalypse.

Nice job!

General Stonewall Posted: 18:31:48 30th Mar 2012

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Very impressive

-People in the dark cause accidents, accidents in the dark cause people.

-Eternal Light "Yeah, You pretty much just "Head F****d me".
-Eternal Light"Ill get training them now your highness"

Cajin Von Sian Posted: 18:59:58 30th Mar 2012

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Here are the kills for the day from me:
2 Nos and 1 Geedis HW had the turrets knocked out and 1 Geedis didn't have any to start with-
A ship shield with about 1/2 the ships fully trained was taken out

The following Cobra LT HWs were taken:
2 Cobra- 72M
4 Cobra and 3 Cobra- 147M
01 Cobra- 84M
02 Cobra- 66M
5 Cobra- 57M
1 Cobra- 85M

More to come....?

Edit* 7 Cobra- 63M
And cleared turrets on its neighbor

Seems like enough for one day.

General Stonewall Posted: 19:27:31 30th Mar 2012

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We knew it was comming but its still impressive

-People in the dark cause accidents, accidents in the dark cause people.

-Eternal Light "Yeah, You pretty much just "Head F****d me".
-Eternal Light"Ill get training them now your highness"

Tweaker Posted: 20:25:44 30th Mar 2012

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better his than mine :shrug:

-=Mercenary inDaGalaxy=-

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Bionicle Posted: 20:35:58 30th Mar 2012

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Cajin Von Sian 8,330,190 really lol show off lol

1. Bionicle 1,060,124 1,237,017
You have been awarded 5000 credits for achieving first place this round. Congratulations.
15:00:56 | dagdamor planet Bethor6 II has been captured by Bionicle, RedRum.

Bert2 Posted: 20:52:47 30th Mar 2012

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It's nice to see this much activity

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14th Sep

Tweaker Posted: 21:47:36 30th Mar 2012

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was Cajin Von Sian always in the lead for like the last 3 years?

-=Mercenary inDaGalaxy=-

|,,| <(^.^)> |,, /

Tweaker Posted: 21:48:03 30th Mar 2012

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poo, i was playing this game for the last 6 years.. hes held that record that long?

-=Mercenary inDaGalaxy=-

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