Topic Title: Referral competition... WIN PRIZES! (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: justanius

Topic started: 01:27:46 8th Jul 2011

Posts: 1 Last post: 23:31:58 8th Jul 2011 by Exemplary Strategy

justanius Posted: 01:27:46 8th Jul 2011

Posts: 37

Topics: 9

Location: United States

Gender: Male

I'm starting a referral competition as part of the new advertisement campaign.This is for the good of skylords, so we need as much as you can give. Any resources help, troops energy iron, anything really.

First place gets 50% of all donated resources, second place gets 35% and third place gets 15%.

The donation acceptance period will end 1 week from today. The actual competition ends 30 days from today. All players you refer must post in the Refered players thread. All new players who post in this thread will be checked for multi accounts. At the end of the competition scores will be tallied, and the winners will be congratulated and given their share of the winnings.

All donations will be collected as soon as I see the post. You'll need to give me a transport with the resources on it and I'll give the transport back once the resources are recieved. Give the transport a very unique name, and send me a message with the name.

All resources will be hidden in Transports in open space. If for some crazy reason it's found and stolen, the thief will be held responsible and condemned by the community.

Donaters are the most important part of this campaign. So please reach deep into your pockets and help

Referred players post here:

To donate post here:

AKA DRD, ED... and some other names I can't think of at the moment

Exemplary Strategy Posted: 23:31:58 8th Jul 2011

Posts: 928

Topics: 47

Location: United States

Gender: Male

i still nominate bert for donations holder.

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

Loyal as any dog.

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